Chapter 3: In the West Part 1

Start from the beginning

While the boy is looking for a good place to set up in the city as his base of operations, he passes a man that is being carried on a palanquin by several people wearing slave collars. As the boy is passing by the palanquin one of the slave women stops in her tracks. She says almost to herself, "There is no way. It can't be." The boy figures that she is talking to someone else and ignores her. This however, does not stop the woman as she lets go of her part of the palanquin allowing the palanquin to tip, which causes the man that was riding it to fall out onto the ground. The slave woman then rushes over to the boy. She quickly says, "Please take this, as a gift from your mother. It is a family heirloom and all I have to offer to you." She hands him a bracelet with feathers on it.

Before the boy can ask what she is talking about, the man that was in the palanquin is over by them and smacks the woman.

Man: "How dare you drop me like that. This is your first offense since I bought you from Lord Marshal so I will allow it to without killing you. However, do not let something like this happen again."

The man then grabs her and starts to drag her off before looking closer at the boy. The man stops.

Man: "Oh so that is why you reacted that way. This boy looks a lot like Lord Marshal. If I didn't know any better I would think he is Lord Marshal's son."

Slave Woman: "Actually he is. Lord Marshal raped me once and I got pregnant. I hid it as long as I could and gave birth to this boy. Although I have not seen him since he was born, a mother always knows her child."

Man: "Perhaps I should get rid of him right here then."

Boy: "Attack me and it will be your own funeral."

Man: "Cocky aren't you. I will teach you some respect, boy."

The man rushes at the boy getting ready to hit him. The boy thinks, "It is like he is moving in slow motion. Gozuki is at least ten times this fast. I can beat him without any effort whatsoever. This is going to be boring." The man reaches the boy and swings his fist. The boy avoids the attack with ease and watches as the man continues to swing and miss at him. Finally, the boy gets tired of watching the man flail around and moves in. With a single punch to the back of the man's neck he knocks him unconscious. Then without saying anything he continues on his way to find a base.

As the boy is walking off he sees guards rushing at the scene. The boy avoids their notice with ease. He would have made it away without even being spotted, but the slave woman shouts after him, "Goodbye my son. Goodbye F/N." The guards all turn to see who she is referring to. The boy does not stop his pace and ignores the woman. However, in his mind he is thinking, "That is the first time that I have ever been called by a name. I guess my name is F/N then, if that woman was telling the truth. To be honest I doubt I am actually her son or anything like that. She is probably just delusional."

With the end of all the excitement, and having successfully avoided all of the guards, the boy finds an abandoned house to serve as his base of operations in the city. He unloads the bag that he brought with him, which includes some medical supplies, food, and extra weapons. The boy goes through all of the things and finds some food to eat. The food that he has selected for his meal is some dried rabbit meat, from one of the rabbits that he killed several days ago. He eats the meat without cooking it and then goes to sleep until it gets dark out.

As night consumes the light of the day, the boy raises from his short nap to prepare for his mission. His plan is to scout out the location of Denzel and Alicia. Then the following night he will move in for the kill. Since it is easier to move at night, without being spotted, the boy has chosen to do his surveillance at this time. His hope is that there will not be very many guards for him to have to avoid.

When the boy leaves the abandoned house he finds that it is pitch black outside. There is not a torch or anything else lit throughout most of the town. The only light comes from a larger manor near the center of the city. The boy figures that this is most likely where the Lord and Lady of the city live. Using this knowledge to his advantage, the boy advances on the house to observe what he can about it.

To the boy's surprise as he is walking around the outside of the house looking at it, he notices that one of the windows is open. He looks in to see that both of his targets are in the room with the open window. It appears to the boy like they are getting ready to go to bed. As the boy watches for over an hour, he expects that someone is going to close the window. However, no one ever does. Not only does no one close the window, but the boy also notices that there are no guards in the area either.

The boy thinks, "How freaking dumb are these people? They left the window wide open as they went to sleep and also did not station guards outside this part of the house. I may as well just kill them now since they have made this so easy for me." The boy unsheathes his bow that is on his back along with two arrows. From the place that the boy has been hiding for the past hour he draws back his bow with one arrow on it and takes aim. He lets go of the string and watches as the arrow flies. Just as planned the arrow soars straight through the window and into Denzel's head. With this the boy prepares the next arrow and lets it fly as well. This one finds its home in the head of Alicia.

Now that he is rather sure that both targets are dead, the boy sneaks closer to the manor and climbs through the open window. He silently walks over to the bed where both of his targets are located and puts his hand on each of their necks one after the other. He notices they have metal collars on their necks, but just ignores this fact. Just as the boy was expecting neither of them has a pulse. The boy next flips them over to make sure that both were the targets that he was looking for. After noting that both are exactly as shown in the picture that Gozuki gave him, the boy determines that he has succeeded in completing the mission that he was given.

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