Chapter 2: Adopted Assassin

Start from the beginning

Overall, the boy is able to do really well at hunting until danger beasts start to show up. A pack of five danger beasts wolves rush at the boy during one of his hunting trips. At first the boy is not sure what to do, as they are far more aggressive than the deer and rabbits he has been killing to that point. However, he soon devises a plan using the bushes to hide momentarily from the wolves. As they near the place that he is hiding his strikes from the shadows and kills one of the wolves in a single strike. The wolf dies instantly not letting out a sound. This same method works to kill one more wolf.

Soon the remaining wolves spot him and the boy is forced to use the skills in close combat fighting that he has learned. The wolves rush at him, however the boy is too good at reading them. He is able to dodge each and every attack that they send his way. Not only does he dodge the attacks, but he throws in attacks of his own. Before too long the remaining three danger beast wolves are all dead at the boy's feet.

Now that the danger has been averted the boy considered how he is going to get all the meat back to the house now. Eventually the boy creates, using some of the trees in the area, a sleigh that he piles the bodies on as best he can. The boy then pulls the sleigh as best he can to take it back to the house, where Gozuki is waiting. It takes the boy much longer to get back pulling the sleigh than expected. At first Gozuk is annoyed that he was so slow. Then he sees all that the boy has killed and is surprised. Once he gets the whole story from the boy Gozuki is far more impressed by the capabilities that the boy has.

During that same year Gozuki's daughter Mez came to visit the home for a short amount of time. She has been living and training at the Imperial Fist Temple for almost as long as Gozuki has had the boy. She is highly jealous of the boy and wants to show how weak the boy really is.

Mez: "So father this boy is the one that you are training to be your champion assassin?"

Gozuki: "That is right. I have been training him from almost the time he was born. He is improving rather nicely."

Mez: "Well I have been getting strong too while I have been gone. Allow me to show to you how weak this boy really is."

Gozuki: "Do you really want to fight him? I have trained him myself, so don't think that you will be able to beat him easily."

Mez: "What makes you think that he is all that? I am your own daughter, yet you all but ignore me. There was no reason for you to go and adopt this slave child."

Gozuki: "Perhaps not. However, I see this boy as the perfect candidate to one day serve as the leader of the assassination team that I will be putting together."

Mez: "After I beat this boy, you will see that he is nothing special."

Gozuki: "If you are that determined to fight him, then I will not get in your way. Let us see just how strong you have grown Mez."

Mez and the boy that Gozuki adopted are set to fight in the front yard of Gozuki's mountain home that they are currently at. Mez is looking forward to beating the crap out of the boy, while as usual the boy who scarcely talks stares at her with no emotion. As soon as the fight begins Mez rushes in at the boy. The boy sidesteps the attack that Mez launches at him. Mez swings at the boy again and again as the boy simply dodges each and every attack. Mez gets infuriated that the boy will not even swing back. She shouts, "Are you not going to fight me?" The boy says nothing in return.

After two minutes of Mez continually trying to strike the boy, all of a sudden the boy lunges to Mez's side and delivers a strong punch to Mez's temple. It comes so fast that Mez is not even able to see it coming. With this single punch Mez gets knocked to the ground. Mez prepares to get up, but never is able to as the boy proceeds to wail on her, being sure to keep her from getting up. Soon Mez loses consciousness from the assault of the boy.

When Mez wakes up three hours later she sees that the boy and Gozuki are not outside. She heads into the house to find that the boy is in the middle of studying something while Gozuki is eating.

Mez: "What happened? I remember the fight, but cannot remember how it ended."

Boy: "I kicked the crap out of you, and then came inside."

Mez: "What? That is not possible!"

Gozuki: "At least be graceful in defeat. This boy defeated you with ease. You left him a clear opening and he struck. You went down with ease. Honestly, I am a little worried about the way the Imperial Fist Temple trains you for you to lose so easily. You should go back there and continue your training."

Mez: "I was trained perfectly well. That boy is just a freak. How, can he fight like that?"

Gozuki: "After losing to me enough times he learned how to read attacks. He can dodge most attacks that I throw at him now, and is good at seeing when an opening is given. While he still has never landed a hit on me, I rarely land a hit on him anymore. His skills make him nearly impossible to hit no matter what you try."

Mez: "That is crazy."

Gozuki: "What did you expect from someone that I personally trained? Now head back to the temple. I have no need for you to stay here any longer."

Mez: "Fine. I guess I will just go then."

Later that day during sword training, Gozuki swings at the boy only to find that he is no longer where Gozuki thought he was. Before Gozuki realizes what has happened he feels a stick strike the back of his head and he is knocked to the ground. He looks up to see that behind where he was standing is the emotionless face of the boy that he has been training for years. Gozuki thinks, "Incredible. He is even starting to get to the point where he can hold his own against me. I was not taking the fight seriously, but still to be able to get the better of me is quite impressive. I will need to push him even harder now that I know what he is capable of."

From this point on Gozuki gives it his all in the training that he gives to the boy. This amounts to the boy getting hit more often during training. However, there are still days when Gozuki is not able to land a single hit on the boy during the entire hour long training match. Even fighting his hardest Gozuki finds that this boy is starting to get good enough at reading attacks to dodge anything. This is very promising to Gozuki as he now realizes that his investment from seven years ago is really paying off. This boy is exactly what he was looking for when he adopted him. Gozuki has found the boy that will serve as the leader of his assassination squad.

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