Before the Show

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Scott didn't know what to expect when he followed Avi, Kaleb and Noah into the backstage area of the concert venue at noon. He either expected it to be a chaotic, stressful day or to be calm and organised.

"So, can either of you talk me through this day?" Scott asked as they sat in one of the dressing rooms. "I mean I got a lot of input from Esther, but that's mainly about if the press is coming and if you need to be somewhere before the show, Avi, but here in Nashville there's nothing but a phone interview at 5." He looked at his iPad and nodded to himself. "Yes, five. Just going to be a few minutes with the local radio. But apart from that, if there is anything I need to know, you just have to tell me. Like what about merch and everything? Do you want to eat here afterwards?"

Avi chuckled softly. "Don't worry Scott. you'll do just fine. Sammy will be managing merch and the only thing you might need to do is to take care of restocking while she is selling stuff. The food here is really good, so we're just going to order from here and they'll bring it backstage for us. apart from that, just be on standby to help with anything that goes wrong but we've got it. We'll do a little soundcheck now and if you could just walk through the whole venue just to check if anything is sounding off, you know what I mean, right? Apart from that, it's just a lot of waiting and time to pass."

"Scott nodded. "Got it. I'll need a show day or two to get used to everything" he said.

"Good that every show day is different," Noah said and they all laughed. "Anyway, guys, shall we?"

Soundcheck was quick, they played through a few songs until everything was mixed just right.

Once they were finished, Scott prepared tea and coffee for everyone and helped Sammy, a local who wouldn't be travelling with them, to set up the merch stand and, as it was nearing 5, he went backstage to find Avi. Scott expected him to nap on the sofa, but he was sitting there with what looked like a smart tablet in his hands.

"Hey, Avi," Scott said softly. "It's almost 5, the radio is going to call any minute..."

"Mmhm," the musician hummed. "I'll just finish the chapter..."

Scott furrowed his brows, but he didn't say anything until Avi put the device away. "You're reading on your tablet?"

Avi chuckled softly. "No, not at all. That's just my ebook reader. I usually prefer real books, but I just can't pack up enough books for a whole tour. So this thing has to do. Lightweight and easy."

Scott was impressed by that but then again it didn't surprise him that Avi was apparently an avid reader. "That sounds interesting I just brought two pocketbooks with me, but then again I'm flying home twice to exchange them kind of so it's not too bad..."

"You like reading too?" Avi wanted to know.

Scott shrugged his shoulders. "Sometimes, yes. I think it's a nice way to calm down. Or to pass the time on long drives..."

Avi grinned. "I happen to like you even more, with every little thing I find out about you."

Scott smiled back at him. "Same..." he said softly and felt Avi come closer.

"I..." Avi said softly, but then lost his track of thoughts, when he felt Scott's lips hovering over his own.

Scott leaned in just a bit closer, when ...

the obnoxious sound of his company cell phone broke the silence. "Seriously?" he sighed and fished the device out of his pocket. "Hello? Yes, he's right here, just a moment." He handed the phone over to Avi with a small smile on his face. "For you, the radio station."

Avi nodded. "Thank you." He took the phone and talked avidly to whoever was on the other side of the line for a few minutes.

Scott listened to the conversation, but it was just basic stuff about his music and the tour, he had to confirm a few tour dates and was asked to talk about it knows me, because they would be playing it after the interview.

"See, quick and easy," he said and handed his phone back to Scott. "Now, I could go for a little snack before showtime what about you?"

Scott shrugged his shoulders. was a little sad that their moment was over, but then again he knew that Avi wouldn't have been able to relax entirely in his dressing room without a locked door. "You know how I'm always hungry?"

"True..." Avi said softly and stretched his arms out over is head. "Come on, they do mean sandwiches in a little place just around the corner and we have enough time to pass..." He got up and tied his hair in a bun. He also grabbed a beanie and put it on his head, pulled it into his face.

"Avi?" Scott asked.

"Fans are already waiting in front of the venue. Better safe than sorry..." Avi replied.

"You do realise that you don't look much different from what do you usually look like right?" Scott asked bemused.

Avi rolled his eyes. "Yes that might be true but still, I feel safer..." he said.

"Well you could just tell me where this sandwich place is and I'll get what you want to eat?" Scott offered.

"No, I also want to take a little walk around the neighbourhood just for some fresh air. I mean I won't be leaving this venue until late at night so I try to get out while I can."

"Why not." Scott took his jacket and after debating for a moment, held it out for Avi to take. "It's unlikely that they'll recognise you when you exchange your leather jacket for a baby blue hoodie. That's so not Avi Kaplan."

Avi eyed the thing for a moment, but then shrugged out of his jacket and into Scott's hoodie. "Thank you..." He looked into the mirror. "I... it doesn't look like I am wearing my boyfriend's hoodie?"

Scott noticed the insecurity in Avi's voice, so he just shook his head. "Not at all. it rather looks like you put on an oversized hoodie because you like it one because he personal assistant had one ready for you..."

Avi then smiled and nodded. "Alright thank you very much, Scott. It really means a lot, really..."

Scott smiled back at him. "Of course, Love. Now come on, I'm craving a sandwich."


Once they got back to the venue people were already starting to come in.

"Thank you are" Noah greeted them with a smile on his face. "We were about to report you as missing."

Avi rolled his eyes. "You know how I like to take a walk before showtime."

"Yeah, we do. Unless you're reading or taking a nap or listening to music" he said jokingly. "Now, come on get ready, we need to be out there in 45 minutes."

While the day so far had been rather easy and stressless for Scott, he definitely noticed a change in the atmosphere. The venue was slowly getting fuller and Avi was getting quiet. He changed his outfit once more, styled his hair and then sat back down.

"Avi?" Scott said softly. "Do you need anything? I would go out and help Sammy if not?"

Avi looked up at him and nodded. "I'm fine. Need to be on my own, focus, concentrate..."

Scott smiled. "I get that, sweetheart," he said softly. "Good luck, Avi."

"Thank you, Scott. Can... Can I have a kiss before you leave?"

Scott smiled at how bashful Avi was when he asked. "Of course, Dear. No need to ask."

Avi smiled and got up. He pushed Scott back until his back was against the door.

"Mmhm, bossy, I love" Scott mumbled before he felt Avi's lips on his own.

"Don't get too cocky, Scott?" Avi said once they parted again. "Just one little kiss."

Scott grinned at him, slung his arms around him and turned them around so Avi had his back to the door. "Mmhm make that two" he replied and leaned in for another kiss.

"Mmhm," Avi hummed. "I loved the second one," he said and sighed. "But now... I am sorry, I need to focus. I would love to spend some time with you."

Scott just smiled and shook his head. "Get ready. Do whatever you need. I'll see you after the concert" he said softly as he let go of Avi.

"Thank you," Avi said softly. "I'll see you later. "You'll be watching?"

Scott smiled. "Of course. Wouldn't miss it for the world" he replied and after one last soft kiss, he stepped outside.


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