Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

So Jungkook stood up from his bed and did his bathroom duties. He washed his face and ran his wet hands through his hair, trying to push away the dream but it was haunting him: having to go Hanbin's funeral, his parents who he hadn't seen or talked to in six years chanting insults at him, seeing Hanbin's tombstone, Chanwoo screaming at him and blaming him for Hanbin's disappearance and possible death. Was it really his fault? Could he have done more to protect his son?

'Yes, yes I could' Jungkook though, staring at himself in the mirror 'I could have done more, I could have involved the police. This was preventable.'

"Why am I such a shitty parent?" Jungkook asked himself. He pressed his palms against the sides of his sink as he shut his eyes tight. He sighed and turned the faucet on before throwing water in his face again. He quickly dried his hands and tossed the towel beside the sink before walking into his room and pulling on a blue T-shirt and black Adidas joggers. Chanwoo was still fast asleep, having buried himself under Jungkook's blankets so all Jungkook saw was a heap where the chubby three-year old's body was.

When Jungkook tiredly made it downstairs, he was greeted by special agent Jaehyo and Wonho along with the female agent from last night, Agent Sooyoung. She was talking to Jaehyo in a hushed tone but given her body language and facial expression, she wasn't happy at all.

"Any news?" Jungkook asked, starting all three agents. Agent Wonho glanced up at Agent Sooyoung who sighed and pushed her short black hair behind her ear. She clapped her hands and walked up to Jungkook who was standing on the last step of the staircase.

"Late last night, 911 received a call from Hanbin."

Jungkook's eyes widened. "Is he—"

"The dispatcher managed to find a location and sent law enforcement and paramedics but when we got there, no one was around. We searched and searched, we still have law enforcement and dogs searching the area but we're still empty-handed. The call was cut short so we believe whoever was with him must have found out he was calling and they ran before we could get to them."

Jungkook looked away, putting his hand over his mouth as he mumbled, "goddamnit."

He looked at the woman before asking. "How much time do we have left?"

Agent Sooyoung pursed her lips before answering. "Considering the scare last night, Minsun is going to try his best to get Hanbin off his hands. We probably only have a few hours to a day left before our chances of finding him become slim to none."

Before Jungkook could say anything else or allow the weight of her words to settle on him and be added to the collection of weights he's managed to acquire, his phone began ringing on the table in front of Agent Wonho. Agent Jaehyo looked at it and motioned for Jungkook to quickly answer it.

"It's him," he said.

"Really? I didn't expect him to call," Agent Sooyoung said, quickly following behind Jungkook.

"This could be the mistake we've been waiting for," Agent Wonho said, putting something that looked like a USB cable in Jungkook's phone.

"Answer it," Agent Jaehyo said and Jungkook obliged.

"Hello?" Jungkook asked, staring at his nails digging into the table. "Who is this?"

"What made you answer now?" Minsun asked, "got the news from last night?"

"What news?" Jungkook asked, "Minsun why are you calling me? Haven't you done enough? You want to taunt me now, is that it?"

Minsun laughed and Jungkook cringed as the humourless, cracking sound echoed through his ears. "Taunt you with what?"

"Did you take him, Minsun?" Jungkook asked, breathing becoming shallow as he tried to keep his voice from cracking. "Why did you take him?"

Minsun didn't answer so Jungkook continued with the approval of Agent Jaehyo who gestured for him to keep talking.

"He's only six," Jungkook continued, "he doesn't need this and you know it, Minsun. Why would you kidnap your own son?"

"If you're trying to guilt-trip me then you should stop now," Minsun snapped, "I am in great debt, Jungkook — make sure your FBI friends can hear this — I know I'm going to prison but my debt will follow me."

Jungkook looked up at the two agents that were standing. He didn't know whether to continue on or not since Minsun knew they were listening. The man gestured for him to keep talking, wanting to keep Minsun on the phone as long as possible.

"Can I talk to him?" Jungkook asked.

"Now why would I let you do that?"

"Because I need to talk to him," Jungkook tried not to let his voice seem urgent or frantic but he couldn't help it. He just needed to tell Hanbin that he wasn't giving up on him. "Please, Minsun, please let me talk to him. For just a second."

"I'm sorry but I can't do that," the older man replied nonchalantly. Jungkook's heart sank and he found himself becoming desperate.

"Goddamnit Minsun, how much do you need?" Jungkook covered his face, "how much money do you need?"

Minsun laughed. "You have nowhere near the amount of money I need."

"How much money do you need?" Jungkook pressed.

"You have three hours to give me five million dollars, the location will be sent to you."


Word Count: 1582

Five fucking million dollars 😳

How's he gonna get that?

Sorry for the late update guys I've had writer's block as I couldn't decide how I wanted this part of the book to end. This is part one. Part two is when that 🌈🏳👬👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨👁👅👁🙌🏽😍😜😏/taste the rainbow/gay shit/taekook shit starts.

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