34: The day

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"No.." I said. "What happened with you?" I asked him. "Ah that's nothing.. don't worry" he smiled a little. I could clearly see something was wrong.. he was holding his stomach. "Something g is wrong, tell me" "it's not important.." "hm"

It was silent for a while. "I see you're more happy than you were?" He suddenly asks me. "I am?" "Yes.. I mean do you remember at the beginning.. you always cried" I looked down. "I guess there's a reason for that.." Jungkook sighed. "Is he still hurting you?" I then looked at Jungkook. "It's not that he's still hurting me.. I just still feels hurt.. such things affect me you know.." he nodded. "Then think about him.. his past.. that's something that affected him big time" "I know.. it's just still not a reason to kidnap someone.. without a reason" "true.." Jungkook then looked away.

"Is something wrong?" "What? No.. I mean there could be a reason" I rolled my eyes. "So there is? Tell me" "I'm not saying there is.. I don't know" "okay"

"Jungkook, I'm afraid.." he looked at me. "It's gonna be okay.." "I don't think so.. I'm not the person to fight and shoot with guns and all that stuff" "it's hard at the beginning but you'll get used to it" "get used to it?? I'm going to keep doing this" he just looked down. "Okay then.. I take that as a yes" "y/n-" I stood up. "Please dont talk to me.. I then walked inside.

//okay I'll do a time skip now.. I'll just explain shortly what happened the past week up to the mission.. okay.. Nayeon was being a bitch.. like always.. wanted Yoongi back but Yoongi revered of course. His hate grew bigger when he found out she wanted to kill Y/n. But they have been practicing and all that's tuff.. Y/n is not perfect at all but it's good enough.. she has been instructed to the plan and is as ready as she could be.. Hosoek is still not in his best shape but is ok ready.. is there more? not really.. but they're all ready for the mission.. Namjoon is not with them. Yoongi still don't want to face him.\\

-one week later-

Agust POV

"Okay everyone. Today is the day.. you better listen closely.. we still don't know who the enemy is but we know enough.. we have all the information. The plan is in place.. any questions?" They shook their heads. "Great.. okay Taehyung and Jungkook and Jimin bring the weapons to one of the vans.. Yeonjun, Beomgyu and Taehyun, you are making sure the vans is ready to go.. Mina and Nayeon you just wait.. Hoseok and Y/n you're coming with me" they all nodded. "I got some extra men to help us" they nodded again.

Hosoek and Y/n then walked to me. "You have been instructed to weapons.. you'll need these" I gave them both a gun and a knife. "Here's a belt you keep all the weapons" I have them the belt as well. "I won't have your back all the time.. so keep safe" I looked at them both. "Ready to go?" "Ready" Hoseok said. Y/n looked down while biting her lip. "Hey.. it's gonna be okay.. I'm here" she nodded and looked at me. "I'm afraid.." I looked at her. "Don't be.. nothing is going to happen okay?" She nodded. "I promise" she smiled a little.

I then walked past them and out to the one van. They both followed and sat in the back. Okay all ready to go..

I started the engine and started driving.. we have three vans.. txt, Hosoek and Y/n is in this van and the others in the other. I couldn't bear to drive with Nayeon.. she's not fully recovered at all but I don't care at all. And then we have the last men in the last.. that's four men and I already have five at the factory waiting.

We soon arrived a little far from the factory they were in. Our plan is to arrived and wait for them.. threaten them.. and all that stuff. We'll see how many they are. I got out of the van and signalled for the others to follow me.

I got my gun and slowly entered the factory. I pointed at some different corners for some of them to hide in. They all took place and waited for my signal.

I then stood in the middle and took my gun and pointed it forwards. The factory was cold and dark.. not much light but enough for us to see what happens. There were some big posts connected to the ceiling to prevent the ceiling from break. I took a deep breath and the triggered my gun. I was about to shoot but before I did it, someone came out from the dark. I looked back and saw someone was about to shoot but I held up one hand to signal for them to hold their fire.

The man came closer. I pointed my gun at him. "Who are you! What do you want!" "I'm asking you the same.." my eyes went wide.. that voice is way too familiar. They man walked out of the shadows and then I realised it was Jackson.. "Jackson fucking Wang.." he smirked. "The one and only.." I triggered my gun and was about to shoot. "Hey hey hold up.. let's figure this out.." Jackson looked behind him. He kept coming closer but I just kept pointing the gun at him. "You have your slack men with you huh?" I rolled my eyes.

"I thought I finished you!" He smiled again and he was now right in front of me. "Not even close" oh god his voice is disgusting. "Hey Suho! Why don't you come here" I frowned and looked over his shoulder. A guy came out behind him and he looked angry. Who's that?!

"Can't you tell him what's on your heart?" He asked that Suho guy

A killer's love||M.YG|| [competed]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin