25: betrayal

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Okay you must be so confused right now.. Yes Namjoon is another person than he was before Y/n escaped.. he was acting like that because.. well you'll know in the book hehe

(I made a little change.. agin I know! Go to chapter 8 and see the picture.. that's how Yoongs look in the book! Thank you!)

I was starting to get breath problems.. then tighten the grip. "S-sto..." I couldn't say it.. "what?? I can't understand you" I closed my eyes.. it all then went black.

Namjoon POV

She's weak, yet she's beautiful.. I understand why he took her. I never got answer about who her little friend is.. I'll just take her with me as well.. Yoongi is going to be happy when he sees I brought her and some other girl as well..

I lifted them both over my shoulders. I then walked to the van and threw them inside of it. "You guys better not wake up" with that, I closed the door and walked to the front seat. I started the engine and started driving home.
I wonder if Yoongi will be awake when I'm home? Hm let's see about that.


I arrived. I then took the girls out, first Y/n and then let the other girl stay in the van. I just entered and then I started to hear shouting. "KIM NAM FUCKING JOON!" I looked confused at the figure that walked down the stairs. "What the fuck have you done?!?!" He came to me and immediately slapped me with all of his power. "What did you do to Y/n?!? Look at her!" I looked at Y/n who was over my shoulder. I the threw her on the ground. "Whops" I said. Yoongi looked furiously at me. "YOU IDIOT!"

Yoongi POV

I slowly opened my eyes. They were all in the room I was in. "You're awake!" A voice said. I said up. "What happened?" I asked. "The wound opened up and then you fainted.. Boss, I told you to rest.." I looked to my side and saw Jin. "And I told you not to tell me what to do" I then stood up. "Wait, where is Namjoon?" Jimin sighed. "He's.. he's out to get Y/n.. he said he was taking over while you couldn't" I could feel rage starting to form. "He what?!" "He better not have done anything to her!" "I'm sorry.. but I heard him saying violence is always the solution.." my eyes went wide open..

I rushed past them and down to the basement.. he better not have done anything to that spy.. I said violence was the last option.. I opened the door and saw the spy tied to the chair unconscious. And a bruised eye. My blood started to boil for real now. I walked out again and into Hoseok's room in the basement. I froze when I saw him tied to a chair in the middle of the room.. also unconscious. "Namjoon you're going to regret this" this is betrayal.. he didn't do as I told him..

I walked upstairs again and to my room. "From now on, you're not going to take order from Namjoon" I said to them all. "Why?" "He betrayed me.. he didn't do as told.. he's probably hurting Y/n right now" "boss.." "no!" I then heard the front door open. It could only be Namjoon.

I rushed out again and walked downstairs while shouting. "KIM NAM FUCKING JOON!!" I shouted. "What the fuck have you done?!?!" I walked to him and slapped him with all of my power. "What did you do to Y/n?!?! Look at her!" I could see he was holding her on his shoulder.. she was also unconscious. He then grabbed her and threw her on the ground. "Whops" my face expression hardened. "YOU IDIOT!" I took the gun from his pocket and shit his right arm and his right leg. He fell to the ground and groaned.

I kneeled down and took my knife I held it around his throat. "This is what you get when you betray me" I let go and he fell fully on the ground. I sighed and walked to Y/n.

"It was supposed to be me, Y/n" I said low. "I-I'm.. I'm sorry" I lifted her bridal style. I carried her to my room. I saw the others coming out with worried faces. "What the fuck happened?!" Taehyung and Jimin asked at the same time. "I reached Namjoon a lesson.. but I'm not done with him" "what happened with Y/n" I walked in and placed her on my bed. "Namjoon's little plan" they stood on the side of the bed. "This, and what he has done to the enemy and Hoseok is what the fuck happened" I checked if there were any shots etc..

There wasn't.. i places my face in my palms. "This is all my fault.." "why would it be your fault?" "I don't know.. I just feel like it is" they looked confused at me. "It's not your fault" I didn't answer instead, I walked out and downstairs again.

I saw Namjoon still on the ground with a lot of blood all around. Suddenly I heard a voice behind me. "Is he dead?!" The voice was shaking. I could hear it belonged to Jungkook. "No.. not yet" he sighed. "Are you going to let him die?" I shook my head. "No, I'm going to let Jin take care of his wounds.. and then he's going down.. same level as that enemy" Jungkook stood besides me. "He is now my enemy" "but why tho?" He asked, I looked at him. I was about to answer but I heard some noises form outside. Jungkook looked confused at me.

I started running outside. It came from Namjoon's van? What have he done now..?! I opened the van and saw a girl crying and begging for help. "Who are you?!" I asked confused. She didn't answer, instead she crawled in the end of the van. "Why, come here" I said. She didn't. "I said come here!" She flinched and finally decided to come to me. "What happened to you?!" I asked her. She took my hand and walked out of the van.. of course she has a big bruise in her face. "Namjoon right?" She slowly nodded. "That idiot!"

A killer's love||M.YG|| [competed]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora