33: Fight

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We entered the room. Jungkook was there ready to fight. Nayeon still looked hella confused. Some of the others were there as well.

I walked to the middle. "Okay.. I'll make Jungkook and Nayeon fight.. we want everyone to be stronger for the mission if we're going to make it to the enemy" they nodded. "Okay, let the fight begin" I looked at Jungkook and signalled for him once again to use all of his powers don't hold back.. he nodded and cracked his neck.

I walked out of the ring and then Jungkook ran towards Nayeon. She ran towards him as well.. Jungkook started to kick her right in the stomach so that she fell on the ground. Then he lifted her up and threw her down again. She laid there groaning but soon got up again. She gave Jungkook a death glare and grabbed his arm and kicked him in the stomach as well, he fell back but fast got up again. He ran to her and grabbed her around the head to throw her on the ground. Already done huh? I smirked.. she laid there on the ground groaning and holding her stomach. Jungkook kicked one last time and walked to me while holding his stomach.

"Bad idea.." he said and walked past me. I looked at him oh come on.. he can't still be sore form the day with Jackson.. he's done.. finito..

Mina ran to Nayeon and helped her up. She helped her out of the room. Worked just as planned.. Yeonjun then came to me. "What was that about? You know Jungkook is way stronger than her?! You know she has no chance against him" I shrugged. "Sorry not sorry" "what the heck.. you're making us less and less you know that?? Namjoon.. now Jk and Nayeon.. and of course Y/n isn't ready for it.. and I don't know what's going on with you and Jimin but you better think before you do anything" I rolled my eyes. "This is serious.. Hosoek isn't ready neither. We only have txt, Mina, Taehyung, Jimin and you" "relax.. I know what to do" I walked past him and out.

But before I walked out, I said: "keep going with the training!" With that, I left.

I walked back to Y/n's room and leaned against the doorframe. She still slept. I walked to the bed and sat on the edge. "Y/n?" I touched her shoulder. She said some noises but kept sleeping. "Y/n? Wake up" she then slowly opened her eyes. "I'm sorry to ruin your beauty sleep but how are you feeling?" She sat up. "I-I don't know.." she touched her head. "What happened?" "You don't remember? Well it doesn't matter anyways" she nodded. "But else, are you feeling okay? Like your body has any sickness or anything?" She shook her head. "Okay great"

"Can you stand up?" She then stood up. "Great. Come with me" she walked with me. We entered the training room. "We're going to train now.." she frowned. "I need you to the mission next week.. you have to go with us" she nodded. I then walked to a dummy.

"Okay I'll show you how to do this" I then started to kick and punch it. It flew across the room. I took it again. "Okay.. just kick it as hard as you can" she started to kick it.. I couldn't help myself but laugh. "What?" She asked. "Okay let's try something else.. punch me" she frowned but then punched me in the stomach. I didn't even live a little bit. "Is that all you got" I got in position. "Okay.. pretend that you're so fucking mad at me.. let all of your anger out"


"Okay.. pretend that you're so fucking mad at me.. let all of your anger out" well.. there's something here I can work with.. all the times I've been so mad at him.. I mean, I still am. He's just starting to give up and show his feelings but I still don't trust his feelings.. he still has that dark gaze.. the first day I met him is still tattooed in my head.. I can't get it out..

I bit my bottom lip and then punched him in the stomach as hard as I could. And the I punched his arm and I kept punching his abdomen over and over again. I then walked behind him and walked a bit far away before I jumped on him and grabbed his hair. I swung my legs around him and grabbed covered his eyes. He then started to laugh and got me off bending down shaking me off. I fell on the ground and then groaned out of the pain. He just looked at me with a disgusting smirk. "Was that all?" I then smirked and got up and immediately kicked him in the balls with all of my powers. He must not be bulletproof down there. Yep, he fell on the ground and groaned. "Done"

He laid there for a while before finally getting up. "Cheating!" He then did as my legs lifted from the ground and then he was lifting me. He lifted me over his shoulder. I kicked and punched him to get down. "Not so easy young lady!" "Let goooooo" I shouted. I then stopped and then he sat me down again.

He then looked at me from top to toe. "We have some practice to do" I rolled my eyes. "You won't be able to defeat a fly with those arms" I sighed and turned around to leave. "Hey not so fast! Where are you going?" He now walked next to me. "Out to get some fresh air.."

He didn't say anything back he just  stood there and let me walk.

I got out and sat on a bench. Suddenly, I saw a figure next to me. "Oh.. Nayeon" "you think you can just get him for yourself huh?!" I looked confused at her. "What are you talking about?" She stood up but needed to have something to hold. "Are you hurt?" "Don't talk around the theme, Y/n" "but I-" "yes you do.. he's I love with you.. but it were supposed to be me!" She shouted. "Okay you can get him!" "That's not my point! He likes you and not me!" "He doesn't like me! He hates me!"

"Hey you two!" I looked to my side and saw Jungkook coming out. I then looked the other way. Nayeon scoffed and walked away. "Is something wrong?" He asked me.

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