20: not as planned

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Agust POV

Wait.. how come Jimin was out there?! I told him to find out the information how did he get out there before me?? He didn't do as I said.. but where was he going?

We entered the house. "Where's Seokjin?" I asked. "In his room, I assume" he said and sat me on the couch. "Get him" he sighed "yes" "and fast!" I still haven't get the wound treated yet.

Taehyung came back with Seokjin. "What's the favour?" He asked and came to me with the first aid kit. "I got shot in the stomach" Taehyung frowned. "Who shot you?" I sighed. "Jimin.." his eyes went wide. "Jimin shot you?! Why?" "He didn't know who I was, and the same with me, I didn't know it was him" "okay.." he said. "We need to get that gunshot out of you" I nodded. Gosh my stomach was hurting.

-10 minutes after-

Taehyung left and Seokjin was now alone with me. "You've lost a lot of blood, it'll cost you'll be dizzy for some time. Don't do too much." "What?! Why?!?" I tried to sit up but failed. "Keep laying down. You're injured.. you have to rest. If you don't, then it'll be worse for yourself" I nodded.

When I'm thinking about it, when did Jimin become so good at shooting? He's the hacker.. I mean, he comes with me on missions but I haven't really seen him shoot, he's often just in the mission car, keeping an eye on what's happening. He maybe practiced by himself.. he has a tendency to over practice..

SeokJin finished. "Done" he stood up and took the first aid kit again. "Will you hold a funeral for Jimin?" I shrugged. "I don't know" he nodded. "Okay.." he then bowed and walked out. I threw myself back in the bed. Wait, I have to get Jimin's stuff out of the room. Some of my things is in there. I stood up and started walking towards Jimin's room. Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me. "Hey!" I stopped up and turned around. "What?" Oh it's Jungkook."why are you up?" He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. "I could ask you the same" I sighed and rolled my eyes. I turned around again

"I heard something happpened to Jimin?" I stopped completely up. "I know" "you know, he.." "yes" I nodded and turned around. "Hey hey hey wait!" He took my shoulder. I jerked his hand off. "DONT touch me!" He backed off. "Go find information about Y/n!" He nodded and turned around.

I started walking again. Funeral.. why should I? I opened the door and walked in. "Hey, I found out where-" I flinched and my eyes went wide when I saw no other than Jimin sitting at his table. "WHAT THE FUCK?!??" My heart was beating like hell. "But you were- why- how" he stopped me. "What do you mean?!" He stood up. "You're dead!" What? How can that be possible?? I swear- wait.. "I'm not dead? What do you mean in dead" "wait wait wait.."

"What is happe- Jimin?!?" Taehyung came in but stopped when he saw Jimin. "But you were" "what are you guys talking about?! I'm not dead" "but he shot you?" Taehyung pointed at me. "Hey!" I said. "Wtf" "Taehyung, go take that dead body! If Jimin is here then that can't be him" "yes" he hurried out. "Can you explain?" He said. "I was out to kill someone when I saw you- I mean it wasn't you.. then you- that guy shot me in the leg.. so I shot him" he frowned his eyebrows. "Weird"

Taehyung came back with the lifeless body. "Remove the hat!" I said, he did it. "I knew it, someone is spying on us" he looks so much like Jimin. Even tho the hair isn't Jimin's hair Color. Jimin's hair Color is silver and that is just grey.. the silver is more sparkly and more metal like, while that hair is just pale grey.

I then grabbed my gun and was ready to shoot. "Wtf?!" Taehyung said while I pointed the gun at him. "I don't know if it's you, I have to be sure" he threw the body on the ground. "If it wasn't me then I wouldn't have helped you!" "You nearly didn't" I walked towards him still with the gun pointed at him. "Jimin, go get Jungkook" he's the only one I can trust here"

"prove that it is you" he sighed. "How am I supposed to-" he stopped himself and suddenly started smirking, I triggered the gun and was about to shoot when he spoke. "Wait! You wear underwear with bears on.." my eyes went wide and I lowered the gun. "Did Jin tell you that?!" "Yep" OMG! He deserves a punishment.

Jimin came back with Jungkook, his arms was tied up behind him. "Hey!" Jungkook shouted. I immediately pointed the gun at him. "What are yo-" I didn't let him finish and shot him. He fell on the ground, lifeless. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Taehyung said. "Relax.. that isn't Jungkook" Taehyung's shoulders sank again. "Sure?" "Those spy's are so bad at designing. His hair is too dark" Jungkook's hair is brown, light brown. It isn't easy to see but you can see the difference. And his voice.. it sounded like him but not quite. "I'll go get the real Jungkook" I walked past them both.

I walked to the gym. He must be there. I know Jimin took "Jungkook" from his room. So he must be at the gym. But also why? He's still hurt.

I entered the gym. "Jungkook!" I shouted, seconds after, I heard footsteps. "Yes- woaw.. chill with that gun" he raised his hands. I lowered the gun. "It is you" I turned around again. "Come" "was it you that said the thing with Jimin?" He walked next to me. "What about Jimin?" He asked. "You knew he was dead" his eyes went wide. "Jimin is dead?!?" "Okay it wasn't you- wait, they already know about it?! They know more than I expected" "hey hey hey, what are you talking about??" "Someone is spying on us. They're pretending to be us, I killed Jimin, but luckily it wasn't the real Jimin but a spy" "I shot you too" he raised an eyebrow. "Me?" "The spy of you" "that'll mean there's a copy of me, Seokjin and Namjoon out there" he nodded.

"We need something to make sure it's the real one" he nodded again. "How?" "Hmm.. teeth" I said. "Teeth?" "We can make something to our teeth and then show it to one another of us" "great idea" "I have some crystals we can apply to them" "just one tooth?" He asked. "Yes, and we can't let the enemy's know" "no"

We entered Jimin's room again.

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