28: Safe house

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"You talked about me, I heard it all" he walked to Jin and grabbed his arm. "You. Stay here" he said, I nodded and crawled down in the bed. Jin didn't finish the bandages- what am I talking about?! That doesn't matter right now.. what's more important is, what'll Agust do to Jin?? It isn't his fault at all..

Jin and Agust came back after some minutes.. Jin didn't even look at me once but finished the bandages. Agust was packing some of his clothe down? But why? Jin soon finished and walked out. "How much did he say?" I looked at Agust. "N-nothing" "don't lie to me!" I flinched a little at his statement. "H-he was telling... telling me about t-that you.. eh.. you were worried for me.. and e-everything was a mess when I wasn't there.." I looked down again. "BULLSHIT!" He shouted. "Why should I worry about you??!" Why did my heart feel like breaking into thousands of pieces??!

"I don't worry about brats like you! Never.." he looked away but then looked at me again. "Enough of this.. we're leaving" I looked confused at him. "Don't just sit there!" I then got up and stood in front of him but a little far. "God girl, you look skinny" he looked my up and down. "You haven't been treated well.." "why do you care" I asked cold. "I don't.. just saying"

"Well come on" he grabbed my wrist and took some suitcases and dragged my out of the room. "Ouch! It hurts" I said and tried to make him loosens the grip but he didn't. "I don't care" I was now outside of the room. "Where are we going" I asked why still trying to loosens his grip. "Stop doing that! And it's non of your business!" I saw some of the others.. they were all lifting some stuff.

He then let go of me when I was downstairs. "Stay here!" He said and left. I just stood still not moving a muscle.. I'm so freaking confused yet scared right now.. what is going on? Where they taking me.

"Long time no see, Y/n" I looked at the person talking to me. He looks familiar.. "my name is Jimin.. and yes you met me once" Jimin.. Tae told me about him.. he's that idiot! "Please don't come c-closer" I reached out my hand to signal stop. "Why? I helped Boss get you back here.." little shit! "Why?!" "Because I'm loyal to my boss" I looked away. "Jimin fuck off!" Jimin quickly turned around and bowed. "Of course" he then smirked at me before leaving. I hate that guy..

Agust grabbed my wrist again and just stood there with me. "Let's see your reaction to this" "to wha- omg.." I covered my mouth when I saw someone lifting Sohee. "What have you done?!" "Relax.. she's getting as deserved.." "she hasn't even done anything!" I tried to run to her but I got pulled back. I gave Agust a death glare. "Idiot! Jerk! Monster!" I started to hit his chest. "You can call me whatever you want.." tears were flowing down my cheeks. "Turn around.." I didn't so Agust turned my head. I then saw Hosoek.. but, he wasn't tied or anything. He then looked at me and gave me a sad smile. "What happened to him?!" "Nothing.. he's on my team now" Agust looked straight forward with a cold expression. "Monster.." "exactly"

After some time, he started dragging me with him again. I just silently followed him.

"By the way... what happened to you?" He looked confused at me. "What do you mean?" "Like.. your stomach" I pointed at the big wound.. or it was covered with bandages. "Nothing.." he said and kept walking. We walked to a van where he placed me in the back with something covered for my eyes.

I curled into a ball in the corner. Suddenly I felt someone next to me, I didn't react. "Hey.." wait.. Jungkook? "Jungkook?" I heard a slight chuckle. "Correct" "you know.. I'm sorry about all this.. but our boss has his reasons.." I nodded. I still couldn't see. "It's gonna be okay" he said. "It's easy to say.." I then said. "Just trust me." I nodded. I could then fee the van starting.

Suddenly I could hear the van get filled with something. Actually it sounded like someone.. the doors closed and the engine started. Is there someone in here? I was too afraid to ask if someone was there. "Y/n?" I lifted my head.. oh yeah, I still can't see. "Who is it?" "Hoseok.." "Hosoek why are you here? What happened to you??" I could tell he sat down. "He convinced me to become one of his" "why the heck would you agree with that?!" "I had no choice" "you're completely changed.." "what do you mean by that?" "You were supposed to be my bully" I chuckled. "Life changes.. people change.. people can change"'I scoffed. "Not everyone" he sighed.

Suddenly I felt a pair of arms around me. "I know.. just give it some time.. he actually someone behind that mask of cruelty" "as if.." "I promise.. he's training with me and he has another side" "that's what everyone is trying to convince me.. but it's not true.. he's just the heartless killer" "not quite but okay.." I began to feel more confident and then I fell asleep..


"Everyone! Wake up!" I woke up by a loud noise. Suddenly someone took my arm and dragged me out of the van. I'm so confused.. where am I?!

Someone then took off the clothe for my eyes.. the place was full of some unfamiliar faces.. some guys and two girls. But not Sohee..

A guy was holding me. "We arrived to the safe house.. there's not much rooms here.. I'm going to part everyone into rooms.." it was Agust talking. "Txt, you'll take the room to the left.. Mina and... Nayeon, you'll take the room to the right down the hallway. Jin, Jimin, you'll take the room down the hallway to the left.. and Jungkook and Taehyung is sleeping on the couch here, but first Jungkook and Taehyung you're going to take Namjoon and Sohee down to the basement" wait Sohee?! Basement.. why?!? Am I going to the basement as well??

"I'll sleep out here as well." I looked at Agust, he then looked at me. "Y/n is out with me, Jungkook and Tae as well. I need to keep an eye on her" I looked down. "Boss why can't she take the basement as well?" "Taehyun, stop asking.. I'm going to decide things here" so the guy that's holding me is Taehyun??

"Okay let's go" it was a pretty small house.. I looked at the two girls, I wonder if they got threatened to join too.. it didn't really looked like it.. one of the girls were constantly starring at Agust. Are they a couple?? No that can't be possible.. Agust has no heart.

Suddenly everyone started to find their own stuff. I was just standing There could it be possible to walk out without anybody knowing? I then started to walk towards the door.. when I thought I was free someone grabbed my arm. "You aren't going anywhere" the grip tightened. "Ow!" I said.

He dragged me to a room. After that he locked the door.. he came closer to me. "You think you can just walk out when nobody notices huh?!" I looked at him and shook my head. "Then why did you do it?!" I flinched. I didn't answer. "Why do you have to make my life so damn hard?!" I am?! Look at yourself idiot! "This is all your damn fault! If you didn't exist this wouldn't have happened! Do you know what danger you're putting us in?!" He kept going he then grabbed my hair and lifted me like that. I screamed while tears started to fall down. "You're making my life so damn hard!" He said again. He then let go, I just fell on the ground, silently crying.

"You know, I saved your damn life several times?! I saved you from Namjoon.. if you even know who he is. He's the guy that tried to convince me to let you go just so he could rip out your throat himself!" Really? "Yes I found that out myself!" He then slapped me and walked out again.


"STOP!" I shouted and sat up. My breath was heavy and I was covered in sweat.. I was crying and curled into a ball. I was also shaking of the fear.. the fear of Agust..

Suddenly the door opened but I didn't look up. I just started to cry harder. "L-leave me a-alone" I shouted. I couldn't see who the person was, I could only see the person was coming my way.

Suddenly I felt a pair of arms around of me.. the ground disappeared from under me. The person lifted me. I immediately felt more comfortable.. I could tell it was a he.. his embrace felt so.. so safe.. I felt safe. I rested my head on his chest. He didn't talk he just lifted me somewhere.

I then felt I was on something soft.. I was laying on his chest.. I could hear his heart.. his calming breath.. I calmed down again and fell asleep in his warm embrace.

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