15: Mean full or not?

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//Hoseok im so sorry for you have to be this person in the book..\\

//this chapter might contain violence and torturing! Read on your own risk! And get your tissues ready.. Hoseok is going to get hurt..\\

Taehyung POV

"Take him with us" Yoongi Hyung said. "This kid seems.. mean full to this slut" I couldn't help it but feel upset.. I thought she would get away with it.. I thought she would report him.. you might ask why I'm with him? He forced me, i can't stay home when he's on mission and need my help with a mission. "Isn't he dead?" I asked him.

He placed Y/n it the car and walked to that boy. "I know he isn't.." he kicked the boy a little. "How come?" I walked to him as well. "I've been a killer for years now.. I know when they're dead and when they aren't. He's just playing" "get up or I'll shoot you" he pointed the gun and the boy. He was only shot in the leg. How come Y/n thought he was dead? Well I have nothing to say.. I thought as well. But what does he need him for?

The boy didn't move. Yoongi Hyung kneeled down and lifted his arm. "Is he dead?" The boy didn't move just a little bit. "No. He passed out" "take him with us. Now" he said and walked to the car. I did as he said and lifted him to the car as well.

I sat between the boy and Y/n. "Do you know that boy's name?" I asked the Hyung. "She said something with Hoseok. It's that guy I got out of the café she's working at" "oh." I said back. "He seemed like a rude boy, but he helped her, so she must mean something to him" "your probably right.." I said.


I woke up with a huge head ache. My whole body ached. What happened? "Your awake?" I slowly opened my eyes and looked to my side. I was.. in Agust's room.. with Jin.

"Why am I here again! Where is Hoseok l!?" He places his hand on my forehead. "Calm down, Y/n, I don't know who Hoseok is" "your hot!" He said. "Hoseok is... he... was my bully but.. it turned out he wanted to help me.. BUT THEN AGUST DECIDED TO KILL HIM!!" I tried so sit up.

"Hey hey! Lay down" he said and laid me down again. I'm just so.. so furious! How can a guy have no mercy and just kill an innocent!? I know Hoseok has been bullying me and hating me.. but he changed, didn't he?

"Why are you helping me?!" I snapped at Jin. "Because Yoo- because of reasons.." he stopped himself? Why?

Suddenly the door sprung up revealing Agust.. he didn't look happy at all. "Hyung, get out" he said and walked to me. I tried to back up but he held my arm. Jin did as he said and walked out.

I was now staring to get scared.. what would he do? I remember something with a punishment before he knocked me out. "As i Said, your going to regret escaping" he held my arm so tight, that it would leave marks.

"You're coming with me" He then dragged me harshly out of the bed. "Ahh!" I screamed. My whole body was still aching. "Shut up!" Why is he like that?! He's a psycho!

He dragged me to a room with two chairs. A boy was tied up in the one chair. It didn't last long until I noticed who it was.. Hoseok, but I.. I thought he was dead?!

Agust tief me to the other chair. I was facing Hoseok, he was unconscious. I just stared at his unconscious body while tears started to form. "You'll get a punishment now.. but that's not all, you'll see what it is like trying to escape from the serial killer here" he was holding a knife.

"I brought your little friend here, he's not dead, he'll wake up soon.. it'll be so much more pleasant for me and you to watch him suffer while he's awake!" "You monster!" I said and tried to free myself. "I know" he walked to Hoseok and held his head.

It took a while but suddenly some sounds could be heard from Hoseok l, he's waking up.. "finally!" He said. Hoseok slowly opened his eyes. "Hoseok!" I shouted.

I could see how he slowly came to his senses again, I could also see the pain in his eyes. How much he was suffering already.. I hate my life!

"Hoseok?" Agust asked. "No! Hoseok no-" suddenly someone covered my mouth with some sort of clothe.

"W-who are you?!" Hoseok said back. I couldn't do anything then cry.. "I'm Agust-D" he said cold. "You know her?" Agust pointed at me. "N-no" Hoseok said. My eyes went wide.

Suddenly Agust grabbed his throat. "Stop lying!" "I know her!" He loosened his grip. "Why did you help her?" His legs was trembling. I could see sweat on his forehead. "I-I don't know.." what? He wanted to help me.. he said he changed!

"You don't know?" Hoseok hesitantly shook his head. "I don't even like her" his confident started to grow. "Interesting.. I'll give you one more reason why to hate her.." with that he stabbed the knife in Hoseok's leg. A loud yell left Hoseok's mouth.

"I-I.... I hate you Y-Y/n!" He said while tears where streaming down his cheeks. The knife was still in his leg.. it hurt me seeing him like that.. "this is... your f-fault" his head was down. I was screaming my heart out but it couldn't be heard.. "I'm sorry.." I heard a whisper besides me. It was a familiar deep voice.. my heart broke in hundreds of pieces when I heard it was him.. Taehyung.

"I thought she meant something to you?" Agust said while walking around Hoseok. "She i-isn't" I could see how much he was struggling to bear the pain in his leg with the knife Stille in it. "Well, I can see you mean something to her" he pointed at me. Hoseok lifted his head and gave me a death glare. "Come on my side.. you can kill as many as you want to.. you can even get the pleasure of torture her.." my eyes widened. He would not do that! Would he? "Why should I? I hate her but I have no reason to do that!" "As you will!" Agust said back and harshly took the knife out of his leg. "AHHH!" Hoseok screamed. This is the worst.. he is meaning something to me.. I closet my eyes. The vision was not pleasant.

Suddenly someone grabbed the both sides of my head. "Open Your eyes" I slowly opened them again. I tired to look at Taehyung but he held my head in place. Suddenly Agust ripped Hoseok's shirt up and started to stroke the knife all of his back and abdomen. I screamed no but of course it couldn't be heard.. "I promised you a punishment.. so here it is.." he started to make bruises all over his naked torso and back. Hoseok screamed like, I don't know what.. this hurst so much.. it's even worse then if it would be me in that position. Seeing others hurt, hurt me even more.

"S-stop!" Hoseok shouted. Suddenly Agust started to come my way..

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