04: the guy

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"I w-will and...ehmm.... sorry again" I couldn't speak properly. He looked kind but at the same time he looked scary as hell. That dark gaze.

Why does he stare at me like that. I bowed again and rushed past him. I felt uncomfortable being with him. I got weird a feeling.

I tried not to think more about him but it wasn't that easy. His face was tattooed in my mind. His dark expression, I couldn't get it out of my head....

"okay Y/n it's nothing he just had a bad day right?" I whispered to myself.

By the way I work in a little café. My boss is a little strict... if I come just 5 minutes late. She'll threaten me that she would fire me... I don't want that. I knoooow I have lots of money but my job is my everything I don't have anything to do else than my job.

I got to my work 5 minutes before my work starts. My boss was nowhere to be seen. So I just walked to my closet and got changed into my uniform I wear on my job.

"heeey Y/n!" I got greeted by my friend, Sohee. Actually I have friends at this place... that's kinda why my job is my everything. People here treat me equally. I'm not the "nerd" that I am in school...

"hii!" I greeted. I haven't seen her in a while since she has been sick...

Sohee is my best friend. Well in my opinion... she cares about me. Of course I care about her as well. I have another friend here called Tzuyu. She cares about me too.

"I've missed you!" She said while pouted. I couldn't help it but chuckle a little.

"I've missed you toooo" I said. Now I pouted. We gave each other a hug before I went to the bar. I was the waiter. Taking orders and all that stuff...

Boriiing. It is boring to just stand there the whole day. This café isn't that popular so. There is not much costumers. Well that's no problem for me... my boss isn't checking on us that much. So when there's no costumers I am usually just on my phone. Either my boss isn't looking after us or then she just don't care and let us...

Sohee and Tzuyu is working in the kitchen. So I get to see them pretty often because it's me that's having the orders to them. If I sometimes need help with something they'll help me. If they of course don't have anything to do.

After a while a costumer entered the café. I quickly putted my phone down so the costumer wouldn't notice I just stood there with my phone...

The costumer walked over to the desk so I asked what they wanted to order.

"hi, What would you lik- oh you again... ehmm hi what would you like to order" I noticed it was the man again?! Shit. I saw his dark gaze again. Like he has no soul.

I got uncomfortable being so close to him. I know I am behind the desk and he is on the other side but still. I waited for him to answer, but he just stood there? Smirking. He couldn't decide what he wanted, but it looked more like he did it for fun?

Could he see I was nervous?! Cuz I was! This man is scary.

Please just hurry! I thought for myself.

"hmm... let me see........ okay I'll take the capotino..... hmm... yeah that's it" he said finally. He still just stood there smirking stand starring at me. I felt more and more uncomfortable in this situation.

"d-do... ehmm... do you wanna eat- sorry drink it here or... take it home?" I asked. I couldn't really concentrate. I tried to hide my nervousness but it was hard. I tried to act normal and just be the waiter.

"I'll take it with m- I mean I'll drink it here" he smiled but it looked more like a smirk to me. He didn't let go of his starring at anytime.

I didn't say anything back I just turned around facing Sohee who was ready to take the order.

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