09: SeokJin

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He fell on the floor but quickly got up again. He was now pissed. I could see that clearly. Me eyes went wide when I saw he was pointing a gun at me... I looked at him in fear. I tried to act brave but I couldn't control myself.

"you did the wrong thing little girl" his voice was full of madness. His dark eyes looked straight in mine.

"no no no... please" I begged. He triggered the gun and then..... POW..... I died.... no I didn't lol sorry haha

"Arghh!" I screamed. He shot me in my shoulder. I fell on my knees. Crying.

"that's what I thought" he said cold and walked passed me.

I was still on the ground crying. He freaking shot me in my shoulder?! I was holding where he shot me to stop the bleeding. I was bleeding everywhere. thought he would kill me... he said it was his plan but after I begged him to kill me.... he wouldn't. Before he left the room I said.

"why a-are you.... doing t-this?! What d-did I do to... y-you" I was weak my voice was weak. He turned around and walked over to me.

"oh you didn't do anything little girl" he took his foot and pressed it on my injured shoulder. I groaned in pain.

After that everything went black....

Agust POV

I looked at her unconscious body. Admiring her beauty. I got a good one this time... I want to ruin her life as much as I can...

She didn't do anything to me or anything. It wasn't even my plan to kidnap her... but life changes sometimes. Should I punish Taehyung and Jungkook for helping and treating her? No what are you thinking about Suga?! They are your friends... or was there a reason to the kidnapping?

I lifted her unconscious body on my shoulder. I decided to take her to my room. I placed her on my bed and called out for Jin

"Jin!" I shouted. Few seconds after Jin entered my room. "you called boss?" I signaled him to come closer.

"treat that gun shot in her shoulder and then lock her in here after understood?" I said coldly. It was not like I charged for her why should I? I didn't want her to win this and let her die. I wanted to ruin everything make her suffer.

"what happened" he asked worried. I rolled my eyes. It's not like he shall care for her... he just have to treat her that's all.

"stop worrying for her okay?! I shot her shoulder"

"ehmm okay boss" he bowed and walked to her and looked at her shoulder.

"please stop that... and just call me Suga" I started to get a little annoyed. He is acting like he don't know me... he is overreacting.

"sorry Suga" he signaled for me to leave now and I did. I had some important businnessu.


I sat beside her when Suga left. He's so confusing, and who is this girl? Oh god... it's.. Y/n.. god I'm sorry, Y/n. I just have to act like I don't know her..
I found a first aid kit and started to get the bullet out of her shoulder. There was blood everywhere.

After I got the bullet out I putted some bandage around her shoulder. She groaned a Little while she laid there unconscious. She also moved a little.

I saw a lot of wounds too. I putted a bandage around the big wound that was in her thigh.

"what am doing here" she started talking a little. Her voice was low and weak. She was still unconscious I think? Maybe she started to wake up a little.

"shh your okay" I said. I don't know I she heard me but yeah.
Suddenly her eyes shut open and she tried to sit up in the bed but failed. She looked around and suddenly her eyes landed on me.


I saw this broad shouldered guy. I started to panic. I moved back but landed on the floor. The guy quickly ran to me and lifted me back at the bed.

"you don't have to be scared young lady" he smiled at me. It didn't help. A tear escaped my eye. I didn't know if I could trust him.

my name is.. that doesn't matter, what's yours?" He smiled a little. I didn't smile back I just sat there and didn't move a muscle. Seokjin sounds familiar.. but his face isn't.

"m-my name.... my name I-is Y/n" my voice was trembling. I had so much headache. Suddenly I could feel the pain in my shoulder. I remembered everything when Agust shot my shoulder and pressed his foot on it.

"I'm a doctor. I'm just here to treat your shoulder" he gave a a caring smile.

"are you with Agust?" He looked down and nodded. I knew it. I can't trust him. He's with that monster. The only ones here that is a little okay is V and Jungkook. V was so sweet and kind towards me... I don't really know why he would be with a guy like Agust.

"maybe he might look like a bad person but deep inside her actually care about people..." he still looked down. Him caring? Agust that monster?! I don't believe him.

Suddenly he stood up and walked towards a door. He didn't look at me. I looked at him confused. Wasn't he here to treat my wound? It's because he's with him! They are all monsters here!

I heard the door lock behind him... great I'm locked in another room... I wonder who's room this is? I really don't hope it's Agust's! Please don't be. I have to escape from here... I can't live in this hell.

I couldn't really move so I decided to keep laying in the bed. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. Everything was spinning. Many questions were circling in my head. Why did he take me?? For me it would've been much better if he just killed me... then I could finally get some peace... I wonder if Tzuyu and Sohee is okay... Sohee wasn't at work but Tzuyu was... or she left some time before.

After some time I felt my eyes getting heavy...

Agust POV

I walked out and started to walk towards the bar. I hope that Jin did as I told him... he better not let her go. I walked down a street. There was no one.

I sighed and entered a bar. I used to come there when I needed to clean my mind and turn off my thoughts. This is not a place for "normal" people. It's mostly criminals that come here. I wonder why the police didn't close this place?

I ordered a drink and waited for them to come.

"hey Suga!" I turned my head and saw Jackson... we're not friends.... but we made.. let's say a deal. I gave him a dark glare and singed for him and his guys to take a seat. I hate that guy.. like really..

Jackson sat in front of me while Baekhyun and Sehun sat to my left and Chanyeol on the other side. I didn't show any type of fear or anything. I sad there waited for him to speak up.

"so the deal?" He leaned towards me and placed his head in his palms resting it on them. I didn't look at the others. I didn't care about them. I didn't need to get Taehyung and Jungkook with me. I can take these weak men for myself if there's any need.

Hellooo. Sooo... sorry for cliffhanger.... I didn't want to make this chapter tooo long. I know it isn't that long but yeah..

A killer's love||M.YG|| [competed]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon