02: hoseok

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I was woken up by my annoying alarm clock... I don't want to go to schoooool.... arghh another boring and "bullyfull" day. I rubbed my eyes before leaving for the bathroom. I took a quick bath and did my morning routine.

After showering and all that stuff, I went to the kitchen for making some food. Well I wasn't really hungry so I didn't eat anything... hmmm I should eat something? So I took an apple before leaving to school. I locked my door and went for school.

"Hmm, which car for today? HAHA! I only have one car..." I said to myself. I'm lonely I know... I don't have so many friends so I have to talk to myself. It's actually fun. You should try it loool.

I had a BMW. My dad got it for me before leaving. Well he got me lots of things soooo.

At the school

I parked my car. It's actually weird that people still think that I'm just the nerd? I'm not! In my own opinion. Because in my opinion I'm the coolest of everyone here.

I entered the school. Someone threw a paper ball on me. Not surprising...
I just walked past who it was. Ignored them. That's the best. If I just ignore them then they will get bored and bully someone they can get a reaction from so.

I walked to get my books before leaving for class, when someone shouted at me.
"Ayyy! Y/n forgetting something?!" Aaaaand that's Hoseok the most popular boy in my school arghh I hate him! Every girl is just like "uhh Hoseok please be me bf" "omg Hoseok you are so hot" "why so sexy Hoseok" "HOBI!" **insert bitchy annoying voice** ahhh I hate these girls! So obsessed with him! I HATE it. He's a fuckboy.

He shouted at me because he wanted me to do his homework. He always makes me do it. He is threatening me...

I rolled my eyes and turned around. He was already in front of me. I just decided to play dumb "what hobi?'" I said with a sarcastic voice. I rolled my eyes at him.

He raised an eyebrow and said "oh we use nicknames now huh? Okay I'll do that as well baby" did he just say baby?! No! "okay HOSEOK what do you want?" I asked still playing dumb.

"don't play dumb y/n. Now do my homework!" He said coldly. Okay okay... So his the cold guy now huh? Well I'm just a sweet girl so yeah haha😅

"where is it?" I asked with a fake smile //fakeu smilee, fakeu smilee// okay sorry haha... He gave me a fake smile back and placed his books on mine. "Thanks," I said, turning around to leave but he pushed me.

"AHHH" I shouted landing on the ground. All the books we spread all over the ground. Everyone was laughing at me... what a nice world I live in...

"Wupsi I'm sorry- wait no I ain't" he said while laughing with his friends. They don't even help me?! They are so heartless and stupid! I want this to end...

They turned around about to leave but they quickly turned again. I saw my school director. I smirked at myself. My victory you jerk!
He gave me a death glare before the director spoke.

"hey! Hoseok... my office now! And y/n you come to" The director said.. So he knew it was something with me? Fuck you are stupid of course he knew! It's always them and me...

"Take a seat both of you!" He said with a strict tone. I just obey him. I looked at Hoseok who was rolling his eyes before taking his seat.

That's what you get! Jerk!
Okaaaay calm down y/n!

"what happened? Y/n first" he asked me to explain so I did.

"hmm interesting... Why Hoseok? You know you have to do your homework yourself!" He looked madly at Hoseok. Hoseok didn't even dare to look at him or me.

"ehmm... she is lying! I wanted to do my homework with my new friend! Correct y/n?" He asked while giving me a "I'll kill you" glare.
I didn't want to mess with him so I just agreed with him...

"well if you say so. Now leave for classes" he said. Me and Hoseok stood up. We Bowed before leaving his office.

After we got out of his office Hoseok began... again. "now clean that up! Slave!" Did he just use the word slave?! I didn't want to argue with him so I just did as he said. Luckily he left before anything more happened.

I wasn't really in the mood for school so I walked to my class and said I felt sick. Of course my teacher let me go home. Cuz I'm the good kid

Heyyy! Hop you liked this first chapter!! See you next time

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