55. Punished for Sins

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Hlo darlings


You know what's the difference between a mistake and a sin? A mistake is unintentional, unknown. It could be corrected, so that you don't repeat it. A mistake might lead to guilt so it could be forgiven. But, a sin, it's intentional and known. If a sinner can do it once, he can do it twice too, and thrice, again and again. It doesn't bring guilt but a pleasure, a sadistic pleasure. A sin is, thus, unforgivable.

"Your deeds are gradually paying you off."

"Your sins are unforgivable."

"You'll pay for your Sins."

"You'll pay for what you did."

"You killed him. He will kill you."

"He will kill you."

The nightmare broke, and he woke up with such alacrity that the bed shook under his weight and the jerk. He felt hot and cold at the same time, sweating and shivering profusely, despite the air conditioner in the room. Every damn light was on in the room and yet he felt darkness engulfing his being.

He was so scared these days that he let the lights switched on all the time, day or night do not matter.

As if he wasn't enough to make his life unbearable and full of chaos that now the weird man he met today was haunting him too.

He was going to take the girl on the back seat of his black Volvo XC90, completely ignorant of the driver in the first seat, when the car went out of control and it's nose banged into the trees on the left side of the road.

He parted from the girl and cursed and shouted at the driver at such recklessness.

The car's tire was punctured, the driver told him, not looking at the almost naked bodies of him and the girl on his lap, whose even name was unknown to him, actually, to them.

The cars ahead of him and the ones following him stopped and his bodyguards stepped out to surround his car when he ordered them to.

"Sir, you can use any other car to go to the mansion. The tire might take time." One of the guards suggested, but he roared indignantly. No way in hell was he going to use a car used by his servants. He was the owner, afterall.

His mood was spoiled, so he had to make it better. He looked at the girl and chewed her lips in order to forget the unpleasantness of the last few days.

It was near about fifteen minutes or so later that someone thumped and broke the window glass of the car.

They were startled out of their wits as the stooping old man looked at them- at him with his one eye whereas the other was completely white. His dirt filled, curly, grey hairs sticking on his forehead due to dirt and sweat and falling over his eyes, a few entering his mouth. His once white coloured but now pale yellow dhoti and kurta made him look more than disgusting.

The tree branch he was holding as a support, he hurled at Tej with full force. Despite the bodyguards trying their best, the old man seemed to be more powerful than the heavily built men.

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