"Wolf territory?" Leo asks.

"They're being reitroduced here in the north quite faster than expected. You better be careful where you get yourselves into. And look that they're not even the worst of your worries."

"What do you mean?"

"Bears. Black ones. You don't wanna walk into their territory." His eyes widen. "You know where it is? Their territories?" He asks, and you shrug. "Well, I have already gone hunting with my folks. So I might know a thing or two."

"Think you could teach us?"

"Sure. I do need to keep an eye on you, don't I?" He chuckles. (Yeah... Hanging out with these folk seems to be interesting.)


Leo's POV

"But dudes. We're not human!" Mikey says.

"That is precisely what makes your life force so delicious." Dread beaver says - it's the orange one in case you don't remember - "Seriously, human life force every meal for thousands of years. And then one day, turtles. You can't even imagine how that made us even hungrier." Dark beaver says - red one - "We got so hungry, we couldn't help but prepare a snack." Dire beaver - purple one - says as he makes a jar show up on his hand, and inside that jar was... "(Y/n)?!!" I ask. The beavers laugh. "Correct. She's a human, but her life force is even more delicious than any human life force we've ever tasted before. And we figured it'd match perfectly with yours." Something inside me snaps. "You furballs better let her go." I growl. "What was that? We can't hear you, turtle."

"I said let her go!"

"Oh, I know what that is. It makes the meal even better." Dread beaver says before laughing. Then, the red one grabs me by my foot. "Leo!" I hear the others call me, but all I'm focused on is (Y/n), who is trying to break the glass. "I won't say it again! Let. Her. GO!!"

"Aw, I think you're right. That will fill our stomachs quite nicely." He says. "What? Pizza? Too bad. I like chocolate chip cookies." The blue one comments. "SHUT UP, DAVE!!" They all shout at the same time before turning to me. "No. What we have here is something much more delicious. It's love." My eyes widen. "What?!" Raph asks. "Wait a minute, does that mean Leo has a crush on (Y/n)?" Mikey asks. "Exactly. And love mixed with panic and dismay make the best sauce. Mainly when it is mutual." The orange beaver says, and my eyes widen even more. "And since this is the case, why don't we let the cute couple together?" The purple one says before grabbing the jar, breaking it and throwing an unconscious (Y/n) at me. I catch her and get back to my brothers. "We're gonna drain you dry and spit out the shells and bones!" The purple one says before throwing us up. Suddenly we're in a weird place and we're all like we're in some sort of comic. "What? Where are we?" Raph asks. Then I hear (Y/n) groan. I turn to her. "(Y/n)! Are you okay?" I ask as I help her up. "Ow, my head... It's like (h/n) hit me. Wait... Where the heck are we?"

"Whew! Back in the real world at last!" Mikey says. "This looks real to you?!" Donnie asks. "More or less! Except for those guys..." Mikey says as he points up and we all see the beavers. "Dream Beavers?!" (Y/n) exclaims. "You know them?" I ask. "My dad used to tell me stories about them when I was a kid. He used to say that if I overslept or got too lazy, the Dream Beavers would come for my life force and drain it from me till the last drop. I always thought it was folk tale!"

"Oh, quite the contrary, dear (Y/n). We are real. And we will eat your soul alongside your friends'!" Dread beaver says before he and the others laughed maniacally. "I spy with my little eye... Something green!"

"Shut up, Dave!!" They yell before charging at us. We go from one dimension to the other, each one of us fighting a beaver. "Now you see me, now you don't!" Dire beaver says before disappearing into thin air. And before I can do anything, I hear gunfire and a grunt behind me. I turn around to see the beaver growling as it stared at (Y/n), who had her rifle in hands. "(Y/n)--" I try to protest, but the beaver punches me away before charging at her. "This isn't working!" I say right before Donnie crashes into me, making us both fall. "Hold still, Dave! I gotta chuck ya!" Mikey says before being tackled by a bunch of mini Daves. Then, they open a pipe and the water washes us over before we go from one place to the other. Suddenly, we stop right at a roller conveyor only with our heads off our shells. I try to look around and spot (Y/n) tied up on a plate full of salad. "(Y/n)!"

"Leo!" The beavers start tossing spices all over us, and we all start screaming our heads off. Just then, the ground starts shaking. "What's this?"

"The barrier is broken!"

"We are free! Free!"

And just like that we disappear. The next thing I know, I'm waking up on the couch. I look around and see the others there too. "The Obturaculum is broken! The beavers are free! Free to destroy our world! All is lost! All is lost!!" A man I've never seen before panics before the beavers popped out in our living room. But... "Wait a second. Oh, dang." The purple beaver said. He and the others are so small, like stuffed animals. "Hi, Dave." Mikey says as he waves. "Hi, Mikey." Dave says back. "Shut up, Dave!"

"This is it? This is what I've been protecting the Earth from for forty years?! Plush toys?!!" The man says. "If I were you guys, I'd be..." Casey starts. "Leaving. My thoughts exactly. Come, beavers! Let us leave this world for one that is--" The purple beaver is cut short by Casey nudging him with his baseball bat. "Alright. We're going. Big bully."

"Now hang on just a minute." I say as I get up and grab him before hanging him up high enough so I'm looking straight at his eyes. "What about (Y/n)? What happened to her?" I ask. "What's the problem, lover boy? Scared we drained her?" He teases me, but I'm in no mood for that. So's that, I shake him back and forth harshly. "Whoa-- Ah! Hey! Wait! Alright! Alright! I'll talk! I'll talk!" I stop as soon as I hear the words I wanted to. "Well?"

"*Sigh* She woke up a bit before you all did. She's fine." I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness." I say before setting it down and watching them leave. "April, Casey, giant talking turtles, I've been awake for forty years for no good reason. So *yawn* if you'll excuse me..." The man says before passing out on the floor. "Well... Who wants to help me carry him back home?" Casey says and Donnie gets up. "I know that was terrifying and we nearly bought it and everything, but my leg really feels a lot better." I say before Raph punches my shoulder. "See? I told ya some rest would help. And uh... About (Y/n)... You maybe should go and check her out. After you clean your face, of course." I raise an eyebrow. "What's wrong with my face?" As I hear Mikey letting out a nervous laugh as he scratches the back of his neck. I roll my eyes and go to the bathroom before going to (Y/n)'s place. She explained the way to me once, so I'm glad I remember it.

Your POV

"Now that was weird." You comment before getting up from the armchair and heading out to the stable. "Mom,! Dad! I'm heading out! Gotta check up on my friends!"

"Alright, sweetie! Be careful!" Your mom replies, and with that, you leave. Once you're in the stables, you only get your horse's bridle and get on him/her not even caring about putting the saddle on. You just get on it and head to the turtles' place. You had to confirm it. Was that beaver saying the truth? Or was he teasing you? And if he wasn't, then does Leo really like you too? Does he really love you? Questions fill your mind and you can only pass them over and over in your head. Soon enough you get close to it, and... "AH!!"

"WHOA!!" You exclaim as you make your horse stop. You look down and see Leo staring at you with wide eyes. You don't say anything as you get off your horse. Then, as you turn around, he suddenly tackles you into a hug. "Uh... Leo?" He pulls back and grab your shoulders. "You're okay, right? The beavers didn't try to attack you again, did they?" You smile at his kindness and worry, and to calm him down, you hold his hands. "I'm fine, Leo. And if the beavers had tried anything, you know what they'd get." You say as you slightly pat your hatchet that's hanging on your side. Just then, your cheeks start burning with what you're planning to do next. "And..." You trail off as you suddenly get shy. But you gather every ounce of courage and speak up your mind. "Dream or not, what the beavers said was true. I... I-I do love you, Leo. And... *Sigh* I'll understand if you don't feel the same w--- MMPH?!!" You're cut off short as he gets a hold of your face and kisses you. After a moment of shock, you kiss him back as your arms wrap around his neck while his went around your waist. After that make out session, you both pull back and open silly smiles. "I love you too, (Y/n). So... Would you be my girlfriend?"

You laugh a bit. "Like you've gotta ask." You tease before sharing another kiss. Maybe things will go a bit different from your parents to you two.

TMNT 2012/14/16: Leonardo X Reader One-Shots & Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now