Chapter 8: To Trust or not to trust?

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"Julie, your awake!" I woke up to see my mom and Lily by my bedside. My mom and I made eye contact  and right then and there she winked. Sh*t, I wasn't dreaming. 

"Wheres Hanae?" Lily's face fell. She was soon learning that Hanae and I had become closer than Lily and I ever were. 

"She never bothered to come and check on you. When I got to the ambulance near her house I saw her running in the other direction. I'm sorry sweetie," My mom brushed the stray strands of hair out of my face to comfort me. 

"She could be in grave danger, we need to help her," I was ready to jump out of bed until Lily yelled, 

"Give it up Julie! Don't you get it? She doesn't care about you anymore! She never did!" Lily's tone threw me. She really was jealous. 

"Why do you have to be so jealous all the time and how do YOU of all people know whether she cares about me or not?" My mom nodded as if she understood that she needed to leave. I had a new love for my mom since she saved my life. 

"For one, I'm not jealous of HER. I just....I know!" Lily stuttered. She always stutters when shes nervous. 

"HOW?" I pushed so far she couldn't take it.

"She's in league with Caleb and his mom. Shes from Japan and wants revenge on the U.S. for world war two. Jessicas dad is from Germany and he wants the same as her.  I know this because my mom woke up after all. She told me that before he threatened my mom and threw her down the stairs, Andrew called his mom. She said they were discussing their plan and they mentioned Hanae and Jessicas dad," Lily spit this out so fast I didn't make out all the words but I had heard enough to know that Lily wasn't jealous. She was protecting me this whole time. Hanae was blinding me from my true friends and family without me even knowing it. That day she needed a 'friend'. She was just trying to get answers out of me because she also knew that I was the Lightning Witch. 

"Why would he try to kill Hanae if shes on their side?" I queried but there was no talking back anymore. I knew in my gut Lily was right. 

"Julie, don't you understand? You've been manipulated this entire time. That wasn't Hanaes house. She brought her two dogs in there to sniff out any evidence but the dogs smelled nothing so they lit the house on fire. She was to go to the top window and jump. They knew you'd come and try to find her. They set you up," Lily mumbled this, still recovering from the fight. She didn't like confrontation. 

"And you're sooooo smart..." Whatever, I thought. She doesn't know all this. She's wrong. She knows nothing. This is so complicated...

"Go to sleep, Julie. You look tired, we can talk about this in the morning," Lily brought my blanket over my body and then slid into her bed and went to sleep. I, however stayed awake because everytime I closed my eyes I awoke to Andrew, only this time he wasn't trying to kill me. He was sweet and kind and thats what I hated. I hated that what no one knew was that from the very first time I met Andrew at that dance, I fell deeply in love with him. I could bet money thats how Jessica felt before Andrew murdered her. 


"Caleb! How dare you! How dare you defy me!" Elizabeths voice rose so loud you could probably hear her from a mile away. She only used Andrews real name when she was really angry. Even she knew that Andrew would kill her for calling him Caleb all the time. 

"Mom, I'm just saying...I think we have enough power. I don't want to kill anyone else," Andrew  tried to convince her but he knew deep inside that she would kill him before losing this plan. 

"Go to your room, I can't even look at you," Andrew ran through the living room and went into the linen closet but no more was it just a linen closet with a window. It had been Andrew's bedroom for the past 16 years. He had only put his trust in Jessica. She never knew this but he really did love her. He truly did but his mother really wanted this plan and just as Jessica had warned him not to do, he had indeed fallen in her tracks. He sat down on his one raggedy pillow and looked out the square shaped window. He hadn't felt what he felt for Jessica since....that night, but his mother had ruined that too, telling him to say certain things and hurt her purposely. He knew he wasn't innocent. He wanted to turn himself in. He wanted to be punished for his wrong doings. He hated this sneaking around and then earning power. He would never feel powerful after killing someone who loved him and killing an innocent girl. 

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