Gooooooddd chapi #?

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Sorry guys, Wattpad didn't let me post the slideshow, but I'll try to put it in som other time. My chapters are so fucked up becuase I try to make them long, I really truly do, but they're all really short. No two pagers yet. I'm gonna try to make a two pager sometime soon, so be supportive, AND GIVE ME A FREAKING COMMENT, WILL YA?!?!?!?! ________________________________________________________________________________

I woke up suddenly, wrenched from a peaceful sleep. I sat up in my bed, trying to figure out what had woken me up. I thought back to my dream, maybe there wold be some key element in there....


I was walking around in a city, it looked a lot like a G-rated Vegas and I walked around in amazement. I mean I live in Connecticut, of course I would be amazed.

It was night time and the neon lights were on and there were no people around. It was completely deserted, but I wasn't afraid. I was full of joy, I was giddy, like a small child at Chuck E. Cheese.         (A/N I freaking looooooove that place)

I kept walking for what seemed like an eternity, admiring my surroundings, until I came to the end of the pavement and the begining of a forest. I'm a nature girl, always have been and always will be.

I stepped into the forest and jogged around trees, tripping on some roots, but remaining uharmed. I came to a large clearing, the big white moon shedding light on a tall, flat on the top, stone. I made my way to it and climbed up to the top. It seemed almost 10 feet tall, but even though I'm scared of heights, I still had no fear.

I sat with my knees pulled up to my chest, staring at the moon that seemed impossibley close. I sat and waited, for what I do not know. But, it was then that I noticed something, there was the spectacular music I had been listening to in the background.

I listened, trying to make my breathing quiet so I could here it better. As I sat there, the music continued to come closer. I felt the music, in my heart. It soothed me. It made me want to sleep, I never wanted the music to end, never.

It was then that the music came so close, so fast that it was in front of me in the blink of an eye.

There, at the foot of the stone, was Damon.

He sat there, on a piano bench, playing on a magnificent glossy black grand piano.

I sat there, watching his hands move unimaginably fast.

Then, when his hands stopped moving, I was jolted awake.

~End Of Dream~

I sat there on my bed, stunned. I listened and, surely, there was no music. I slowly got off of my bed, and cursed my clumsyness when it creaked and groaned loudly. I was in my school clothes still and so I decided to get changed.

I grabbed a baby blue periwinkle Cami and some gray sweats. I threw some fuzzy Happy Bunny slippers on. I quietly creeped out into the hallway, not sure where I was going.

I decided to peek into Jake's room, maybe to make sure if Damon was telling the truth or not, maybe just to see if he heard the music too.

To my surprise, it seemed that Damon had told the truth. I hurried back to my room and picked up my phone. 3:14 AM. Shit.

It was too late/early to call/text Skyler, and I suppose I should be made at him. After all, it's supposed to be bro's before hoe's, right?

And he still needs to be told about Leo Jessie, right. So there is that excuse to call him, but there is also the time. Aww, fuck it. I'll tell him later, if I tell him at all. He's a guy, after all. It's not like he would care.

I need school today would be different. Sky might not be a.... a.... Let's just say he might not be an innocent anymore.

I mean I hope he is. I don't want him to lose it to a skank. I mean, maybe Damon was lying about this too. I hoped he was, I really really did. I want Skyler to do it with someone he loves, same for me.

Someone I love, I wonder of Leo Jessie could be that someone. Now there's a thought...

I put my phone down and sighed. I decided to finally go and see what Damon's room looked like.

Yes, that's right. I've never been in there. Scared I suppose. 1. Of the possible rape.  2. Of how dungeon-like it might be. Damon isn't exacty a warm peach cobbler and turkey to me, scratch that ANYBODY.

Hopefully, there are no bodies in there.

I crept slowly through my doorway and began to make my way down the hallway to Damon's room. I didn't even know if he had a bathroom in there... That makes me wonder, what about Jake's room? I've never been in there either, but for more of a fear of invading his privacy. I would never do that to Jake, at least not while I could get caught... Cue the evil smile and laugh Mwahahahahahah. I guess I'll explore it tomorow. Well, technically today...

But that didn't matter as I slowly crept towards Damon's room. His door was plain oak, no signs stating "Private Property" Or "Damon's Room" Or "Enter At Your Own Risk" Just a plain oak door.

It wasn't even all the way closed. And as I walked up to it, and opened it a little further with a creak, I gasped...

His room was....


Yupp, you shall wait for zeee next chapture. Yes I am trying to talk like a French man, wee wee.

Well I'll post later or tomorow, posting is annoying caz you actually gotta write and shit....

Seee ya.

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