"Why? Everyone will be so freaking thrilled." Eva gushed.

"I know. I just don't know how to tell Liam. I mean, I know he wants to start a family soon, but..." She sighs. "It is too soon. I am still not sure if I will be a good mother."

"You will be a great mother," Eva assured, placing her hands on her fiddling ones, squeezing it.

"I don't know, I've got a gut feeling that I am gonna fuck this up." She sniffed, close to tears.

"You probably will," I said, sipping on my juice. They stared at me, shocked. "I am sorry, but that's what I've heard from my mother. Actually, one of my cousins is pregnant, and she was freaking out during her first trimester just like you are now." I chuckled, remembering those days.

"I remember my mother telling her that you can read tons of books, watch tons of videos, and all that jazz, but when a real baby comes out none of them will actually work, and you are probably gonna fuck up many times." Seeing Emerald pale, I freaked out a little but continued. "But you will learn eventually." She didn't look very convinced. I was sure I fucked up the story somewhere.

Oh, wait-

"Oh, she also said and I quote 'and the day it will be born, will be the best day of your life. The first time it grabs your hand, the first word it says, the first step it took, would be so amazing that all the stress, pressure, and pain you've felt will be so, so worth it," I said, remembering my mom.

I miss her so much. I sighed and look up to see both of them in tears.

Woah, did I do something wrong? Emerald burst out crying.

"I am sorry, I-" She stopped me by the shake of her head. "Thank you." She sniffs, holding my hands between hers. I glanced at Eva, and she smiled, nodding at me, assuringly. I relaxed a bit.

Thank god. I thought.

"I thought I messed up." I chuckled, making Emerald shake her head. "No, you didn't."

"Plus, you have us all. You have your family, and most importantly, your husband, who loves you more than his own life and probably will love the kid even more." Eva teased, making Em roll her eyes and giggle. "Probably." She murmurs with a small smile on her face.

"You're right. I am gonna do this." She says, stroking her flat belly.


"I am gonna do this right," Emerald says with conviction in her voice and a bright smile in her face.

~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~

I was working on my design in the night when my phone rings a couple of times. I pick it up without checking the caller's name. "Hellow." I chirped, happily.

Today was an amazing day. No hassle, no drama, and when I say drama, I mean Xander.

It felt just awesome.

"Why so happy?" I heard his voice and scowled.

Geez, talk of the devil and he is sure to appear.

"You just scowled, didn't you?" He questions, chuckling. "How did you know?" I asked, shocked, swiftly looking around me.

"I just know." He laughs when I confirm his suspicion. "Anyway, I called you to know what are you doing tomorrow night?" He asks as his laughs smothered down.

"That depends on what you do you want," I stated.

"Well, Mr. Walner, a business associate, is throwing a party tom-" I cut him off. That's enough information for me to answer him. "I'm sorry, but I think I will be busy tomorrow."

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