'Damn, if I knew you were that hungry I would've started cooking earlier' I said with a warm smile.

'Not hungry...really... fucking... delicious' he said with a mouthful of food.

I couldn't help but laugh at him.

'Grub' I sighed, rolling my eyes, trying to be stern but I couldn't contain my laughter.

Laughing with Jesse felt so weird and so alien to me, because laughing and I mean genuinely laughing with him didn't make me feel bad, it didn't make me feel overwhelmed with guilt, it didn't make me want to cry or scream or curse.

It just felt good. Something I hadn't felt in a very long time.

After dinner we spent a good ten minutes arguing about who would do the dishes, Jesse was so insistent that because I cooked dinner he was cleaning up by himself and when he shot those puppy dog at me I just couldn't say no.

Who knew boys could work the puppy dog eyes.

'Ok ok green eyes, you're very persuasive' I finally relented.

'That I am princess' he said 'plus I always get what I want' he added with a cheeky grin as he scooped up our empty bowls and took them to the kitchen.

Now if you thought a teenager cooking a healthy meal was weird, a teenage boy willingly doing the dishes was even weirder.

As Jesse busied himself in the kitchen I closed my eyes and rested my head back against the couch, my peaceful silence didn't last long though, it was soon interrupted by a loud crash and a tirade of profanities.

'Fucking hell!!' I heard Jesse yell as I limped my way to the kitchen.

'Shit!... bloody bastard of a thing!' The profanities just kept coming.

I peeked my head inside the kitchen to see Jesse covered in food scraps and water. I could see him clenching and unclenching his jaw and his hands were balled so tightly into fists that his knuckles were turning white.

Even though I knew he was extremely angry and highly agitated I couldn't help but laugh at the comical scene in front of me.

'It's. Not. Funny' he fumed.

'It's a little funny' I replied, trying my best to keep a straight face.

'No' he said flatly, glaring over at me.

'It kinda is' I said, no longer able to keep the laughter in as I slowly made my way towards him.

'Catherine' he growled and damn if that low growl didn't send fireworks shooting through my body.

'It's ok green eyes' I said having finally calmed down and now standing directly in front of him 'look why don't you go take a shower, while I clean this mess up and I can throw your dirty school uniform in the wash' I continued on as I placed a soft hand on his arm.

My action seemed to surprise the both of us as he looked down at my hand that was resting on his arm.

'And what am I supposed to wear while my clothes are in the wash hmm?' he pouted, his eyes finally leaving my hand that was on his arm as his gaze drifted up to my face.

'Absolutely nothing' I deadpanned, staring him squarely in the eye.

A cheeky grin played across his lips as he cocked an eyebrow.

'Is that so?' He teased, taking a step closer to me with a mischievous glint in his eye.

Ok I hadn't planned on it going this far, I mean I was only joking. You know trying to lighten the mood so he would calm down a little.

But as I watched Jesse get closer and closer, nothing but mischief in his eyes, I could feel those little flutters in my stomach come roaring back.

I stood perfectly still, the only thing I dared move were my eyes as I continued to watch him move toward me, I watched as his eyes scanned my body from head to toe before settling on my lips.

With each step he took closer to me I finally willed my body to move and as I stepped back I suddenly found my body pushed hard up against my kitchen wall.

'Princess' he growled, but this growl was nothing like his heated one earlier. This one was low and deep and fuck me it was incredibly sexy.

I subconsciously sucked my lower lip into my mouth ever so slightly, biting softly on it, willing my breathing to return to normal.

Jesse's eyes clouded over as he watched me suck my bottom lip between my teeth.

'You keep biting that lip of yours princess and I won't be able to keep my hands to myself' he whispered into my ear, his body now only centimetres from mine. One strong, muscular arm placed firmly against the wall on either side of my body.

'Mmmm' was all I could manage, not trusting myself to actually speak.

I closed my eyes and swallowed hard, waiting with bated breath to feel his lips pressed into mine.

But they never came.

'Soon' he whispered softly, the husky 'come fuck me tone' had disappeared from his voice as I felt him place a tender kiss on my forehead.

I opened my eyes completely baffled by what just happened as I watched him walk out of the kitchen and head towards the bathroom.

'What the fuck?' I mumbled under my breath as I closed my eyes and leaned back against the wall.

And for the first time in a long time when I closed my eyes, I didn't see Joe.

Jesse's Girl (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now