Minsun dropped the photograph on the table and slammed his foot in front of him as if he were taking a step towards the younger man. Jungkook instantly flinched, his heart seemingly stilling at the mock advance. Minsun deeply laughed and shook his head.

"Look at you, trying to act all hard and tough yet you're still secretly scared of me."

"I'm not scared of you," Jungkook argued.

Minsun advanced towards the comparably short man. Jungkook used all his willpower not to cower away and stood his ground despite his heart dropping down to his stomach and his airways threatening to close as anxiety tried to take over his body. He stood still, rigid with his hands tightened in fists by his thighs. Minsun stopped just before his chest could touch Jungkook's. There was barely any space between the two of them. Jungkook didn't move a muscle as Minsun laughed, his breath hitting the top of Jungkook's head and making his hair move slightly.

"Really now?" Minsun whispered, lowering his head until his lips brushed against Jungkook's ear. "I can practically hear your heart slamming against your chest right now. Go on Jungkook, cower away like you're used to."

Jungkook raised his fist to punch the model squarely in the face but Minsun caught it in his hand, squeezing it and causing Jungkook to yell out as he felt as though his fingers were about to break. Minsun squeezed harder and brought Jungkook's arm down. Jungkook struggled to get his hand free as he too began to go down with the force. Minsun kneed his ex-boyfriend in the stomach which ultimately caused Jungkook to fall to the ground, biting the insides of his cheeks so hard that he tasted blood.

When Jungkook fell to his knees, Minsun grabbed the man by his hair and jerked his head back. He brushed his fingers against the brunette's soft face and hummed.

"I missed you, Jungkook," Minsun sighed, "you know besides this we were pretty good together, you depended solely on me: financially, emotionally, mentally — you had absolutely no one, remember?"

"Fuck you," Jungkook rasped, headbutting Minsun as soon as his face got close enough to his. Minsun groaned and staggered back, covering his eye. He covered quickly before Jungkook could stand up completely. He tackled Jungkook to the couch, pinning the struggling man underneath him.

"GET OFF!" Jungkook screamed, wiggling his wrists out of Minsun's hands. Minsun grabbed his wrists again and pinned them above Jungkook's head and used his other hand to wrap around the said man's slender neck.

Flashbacks blinded Jungkook and made him choke back a sob. All he saw was memories of intense beatings he received from this man that would happen every day, every other day, once a month — it was unpredictable. He saw the days where he couldn't even take care of Hanbin properly because of how much pain he was in.

Minsun's scoff jerked him out of his thoughts.

"I came over to reconnect but clearly this escalated into something much different," Minsun chuckled. "I miss you like this, you were never this feisty but must I say, I like the change."

Jungkook gathered saliva in his mouth and was about to let it loose on his attacker's face but a tiny voice stopped him.

"D-Daddy..." Hanbin called out and Jungkook craned his neck back to get a glimpse of Hanbin's terrified face near the centre of the stairs.

"B-Baby, go back to bed," Jungkook tried to stabilize his voice but even he wanted to break down from his situation but seeing his little boy's scared face made it much worse. Here he was again, being a terrible parent.

Minsun released Jungkook but before Jungkook could do anything something hard slammed against his head and all he saw were stars before dark spots. He weekly reached out and tried to shake away the dark spots but they completely clouded his vision and he slowly began to lose touch with everything around him.

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