Haider found Amaal in the cafeteria happily serving the kids as though nothing happened. He felt embarrassed to approach her and talk to her. As he strolled towards the counter, their gaze met. He adjusted the neckline of his grey and white sweatshirt. She looked away and, on the kid, who demanded extra curry.

He lowered his head and dragged his feet to the counter. He wasn't used to, or rather his stomach wasn't used to heavy curry and spicy food. Amaal watched him from the corner of her eye as he struggled with finding food. He picked up two-three pieces of bread and few scrambled eggs. She couldn't move her gaze from him as he walked towards an empty bench and sat alone. She got distracted by another kid demanding more Rotis.

Haider walked through the corridor and once again he found himself lost. There were simply too many rooms and look alike corridors and stairways. As he wandered around, he stumbled upon a closed door. He read the sign above the room, Music Room. Somehow, he felt relieved to find something he was passionate about and something that would calm him.

He smiled spotting a piano among the other musical instruments. He hurried to it and sat down on a stool opposite to it. He placed his fingers over it and felt the keys. He was reminded of Amaal's music last night.

Slowly, he began to play the tune. His eyes closed on its own accord. The time paused for him as he found himself lost in the music and memories of Alina. Her innocent smile and their proximity made him feel much better and calmer. He drooped his shoulder and felt his muscles relax. All the negativity and tension drain out of him.

As Noori walked through the corridor going through the accounts file, a piece of melodious music floated into her ears, stopping her in her tracks. She pushed back her hair and turned to look at the music on the extreme end of the corridor.

She adjusted her pink bandani dupatta, clenched the file in her hand, and walked confidently towards the room. Noori stopped at the entrance and was surprised to find Haider playing on the piano. She folded her arms and enjoyed the music for a while. She straightened and quickly messaged a number, then looked front again. Noori was disappointed when Haider stopped playing.

He took a deep breath and slowly opened his eyes. He blinked at the wall opposite him. The room was illuminated by long windows high up on the walls. The wall in front had many portraits of musicians and graphite. He blinked; a feeling of sadness came over him. His memories shattered and the bitterness of their break-up brought tears in his eyes. He felt the emptiness engulf his heart and mind. Then, he exhaled deeply and stood up. As he turned, he was taken aback on seeing Noori at the door. She straightened realizing he spotted her.

'Um. Mr. Haider, you play very well.' She complimented him. Haider nodded in response and thanked her. He walked towards her and stood in front of her.

'Our piano teacher Miss. Susan Berganza is retiring. So, I am wondering if you would consider taking her place.' She suggested. Haider thought for a moment and replied in affirmative. She was glad and he was willing as well as he would get to do something to pass time, also be satisfied that he will not be living here for free.

Noori paused and then added, - 'I wanted Amaal to hear you play as well. She loves this song.' Haider looked at her and recollected how he had insulted her and lowered his head in guilt.

'Yeah, I heard her play last night. I have to admit, she is incredibly talented.'

'Yes!'- Noori smiled, - 'Whenever she is upset, she plays this music. It reminds her of Zaroon and—' She abruptly stopped speaking as though realization dawned on her. She stopped smiling instantly and darted her gaze around nervously. Haider caught her embarrassment and diverted the topic.

'Actually, I was looking for my room and got lost.' He confessed.

Noori smiled, - 'I am glad you lost your way and,' – she gestured around the room, - 'you found this room.'

Haider nodded with a straight face. She relaxed her demeanor and suggested that she will guide him.

Oh--k, This name popped up in Mikael's memory as well *hope you guys remember *awkward chuckle** I wonder what is the connection??? Also, did Alina clear everything? Is it dead-end for them or there is hope???

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Oh--k, This name popped up in Mikael's memory as well *hope you guys remember *awkward chuckle** I wonder what is the connection??? Also, did Alina clear everything? Is it dead-end for them or there is hope???

Drop your thoughts about the Chapter in the comments, my dearies *smiles* and Stay Tuned for the next update *lots of love* *hugs and kisses*

Drop your thoughts about the Chapter in the comments, my dearies *smiles* and Stay Tuned for the next update *lots of love* *hugs and kisses*

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Second Chance in Love (His Desire, Book2)- ✔️ COMPLETED Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora