"#3 is their shooter. She likes shooting three's. Be up on her, do not let her shoot, if she drives past you, everyone else shift and help. The person she drove past, you must recover and take the open man." He continued.

"Remember talk to each other." My assistant coach reminded us. We all nodded to each other.

"Okay lets do our chant" Jisoo announced, she was one of the captains on the team. We did our chant right when the buzzer went off.

The starting five were Jisoo, Solar, Momo, IU, and me. Since IU was the tallest out of all of us, she was the one who was going to jump for the ball. I was on IU's left side while Jisoo was on her right. Momo was behind IU and Solar was on the other side of the court, facing IU. Momo was behind since she was our point guard and she knew most of the plays. The referee threw the ball in the air and I anxiously watched it getting tipped over to the opponents' side.

However, IU managed to tip it back at the last second and it landed right in front of Momo.

Perfect! I thought.

The games this week is going to be a lot different from home. Back at home, we would have a 30 second shot clock, however here, there is no shot clock. As long as the ball is constantly moving and not in one specific place the whole time, then you can keep the ball for as long as you like. The referees will be counting, when they count up to 5 the ball is turned over. So our coach always told us to pass the half court line before they got to 5.

Momo began dribbling the ball pass the half court line. I watched her waiting for a signal as to what play she wants to call.

She raised the number 2 on her fingers. IU came and screened for me, I popped out and looked to Momo. The same happened on the other side. Jisoo went and screened while Solar popped out. We were both ready to shoot, we were just waiting for Momo to pass it to one of us or even Jisoo and IU.

Momo passed the ball to Jisoo and she finished her lay-up.

First points of the game. I said to myself.

Cheers were heard through the crowds and our bench.

"Let's go girls!"

"Nice job calling the play Momo!"

"Great execution!"

"Get back on defense and talk" My coach advised us.

I waited until number 5 brought the ball up to half court line. Once she did, I started to play up on her.

"Remember left!" My coach reminded me. I briefly glanced at my coach and nodded.

I turned my head to see who was on my left side. Solar was there and she mouthed "I got you." That's when I knew I had help if I needed it.

I push the girl to dribble to the left and she drove passed me, however since Solar was there, she stopped her in her tracks. We started to double team and trapped the girl.

She couldn't pass the ball and it was turned over to us. My coach called a 30 second time-out after.

"Lisa, I know I told you to push her left, but don't push her all the way. She was able to drive pass you because you allowed her to. Play up on her and let her go left but not to the point where she can pass you. Also do not ride her, they will call a foul on you if you get too close to her." My coach informed me. I took a sip of water and nodded my head.

"Okay Momo what I want you to do now is call the play for Jisoo"

We got back on the court and continued playing. It was a very close game and we were down by 7 points. There was 5 minutes left in the last quarter.

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