Me "sorry, Belle, but no. It just gives Gold an opportunity to use his magic to speed up your pregnancy. "

Hook nodded "she's right, love. your dream got us this far. you just have to leave the rest to us"

Belle nodded. 

At Gold's shop. 

Hook was going in through the front while i took the back. 

Gold "oh, look who it is. The princess' lap dog. Come to pick out a new collar, have we?"

Hook "Actually, i've come to try and sto pyou from ruining another one of your son's lives, just like you did with Bae"

Gold scoffed "is that a fact? what made you think it was a good idea to prove the Dark one?"

He used his magic to choke Hook. 

I stepped to the front room and poured the squid ink onto Gold. 

Gold froze in place. 

Hook coughed out. 

Me "it's called a distraction. Killian-"

Hook nodded "i am all right. Let's get searching "

Then he felt up Gold's jacket. 

Gold "I'll remember this, pirate"

Hook "he's not carrying the dagger nor the shears. "

I nodded "okay. yo look up here. i'll search ni the back. "

He nodded and i walked into the backroom. 

I opened a drawer and gasped when i felt a pain in my chest. 

I cried out and fell to my knees. 

Hook rushed in "Echo."

He kneeled down to me "are you okay? what happened?"

Me "i saw another vision. "

Hook "Well, i thought those had stopped"

Me "me too. since Hyde. "

I stood up but my knees gave in. 

Hook put his arms around me to steady me "whoa, whoa, whoa. are you okay?"

I put my arms around him "I-I don't know"

At Granny's. 

Belle "i know i should be relieved ."

Me "Well, no one's gonna blame you for still worrying. Gold did the right thing today. that doesn't mean he'll do the same tomorrow"

Hook nodded "Echo's right. and we have to make sure that he can't use that magic ony ou. "

Granny handed handed Belle a mug "here you go. one cup of chamomile. it soothes the soul"

Then she walked away. 

Me "thanks Granny"

Hook nodded "yeah, love. drink up. helps calm the nerves"

She nodded. 

Hook "Excuse us, love"

Then he grabbed my waist and walked with me away from Belle "so are you gonna tell me what happened back at Gold's, or do i have to guess?"

Me "i saw my death again"

His face fell. 

Me "it was the same details, the same figure. everything was the same. Except this time, there was something new. The sword--the sword that's used to kill me, it had a red jewel on the bottom of the handle, almost glowing. "

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