1.25 Baelfire

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In New York.In front of a building. 

We got out of the taxi and looked up at the apartment building in front of us.

Mr. Gold frowned.

Emma " What's wrong? This the right place? "

Mr. Gold nodded " Yes, it is. "

Emma" Let me guess. He's not expecting you. Well, who doesn't love a surprise?"

We walked into the lobby of the apartment building.

Henry scanned the list of names on the intercom "No 'Baelfire'."

Emma nodded "Yeah, that probably wouldn't fly as an alias. Your magic globe didn't give you an apartment number?"

Mr. Gold shook his head " It doesn't work that way."

They looked at the list. 

Emma " Do any of these names mean anything to you?"

Mr. Gold " Well, names are what I traffic in, but sadly, no"

Emma pointed to an apartment that was listed only by number "Here's your boy."

Mr. Gold" Or, it could just be vacant."

Emma" You might traffic in names and magic, but I traffic in finding people who don't want to be found. And those sort of folks don't like to advertise their whereabouts."

She buzzed the apartment on the intercom "U.P.S. package for four-oh-seven."

The person on the other end of the line didn't respond, and then hung up.

Henry "Maybe you should've said FedEx."

 I shot him a look but couldn't help but smile. 

Suddenly, there was a noise coming from the fire escape outside.

Emma "He's running."

We rushed outside and the guy was climbing down the fire escape. He reached the ground and ran away.

Mr. Gold " That... That favor you owe me – this is it. Get him to talk to me. I... I can't run."

Emma sighed but nodded "Watch Henry. I'll be back."

Then she took off running .


Henry was looking at some posters while eating a hot dog. Emma wasn't been back yet.

Mr. Gold was burning to ask me something but he didn't say anything.

Me "go ahead, ask me"

Mr. Gold "Did you know he was here? In New York?"

I nodded "i did"

He nodded "what else were you hiding from me?"

Me "i found him, Gold. "

He looked at me confused.

Me "the first time you sent me to look for him? I lied when i came back alone and told you i failed"

He didn't say anything.

Me "i found him, i protected him, i kept him safe from all the dangers for as long as i could"

Gold "But you told me-"

Me "i know, i lied"

Mr. Gold asked confused "why?"

Me "He didn't want to come back home, Gold. I told him you sent me looking for him, i told him who i was. He begged me to go back without him and lie to you. He made me promise him"

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