From Wolf To Red

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Echo's dream. In the Underworld. On the graveyard. 

Hook, Snow and i were standing in front of three grave stones.

Me " Hades thinks he can beat us. It's time to prove him wrong. When I burn these names from the graves, there'll be nothing keeping us here. We can all go back home. "

Then i started to burn our names off the stone with magic. 

The wind suddenly picked up

Hook looked around "Wait. Something's wrong. "

I asked confused "What is it? "

Hook "Any captain worth his salt knows when a storm's brewing. And trust me, we need to find shelter now. Go! Go! "

We ran for shelter as a twister formed a few meters ahead. We hid behind a grave and the wind died down. 

Me "Well, that was quick. Everyone okay? "

Snow "Yeah, but something's out there. Something was in that storm. "

She drew her bow and arrow and stepped out from behind the grave. 

Suddenly she got attacked by something. 

I screamed "Snow!"

On a rooftop. End of the dream. 

I gasped awake. 

Hook looked at me "Bad dream? "

I nodded and walked towards him " It was nothing. Sorry I fell asleep. "

Hook eyed me worriedly " I'm glad you did. "

I shook my head " It's not the best way to keep watch. "

Hook "I've got it under control. Do you realize this is the first time you've slept since you rescued me? "

Me " I will sleep for weeks as soon as we defeat Hades, I promise. "

A light flashed below us. 

I looked at Hook "That's the signal. They're ready."

Downstairs. In the library. 

Regina "Echo, I can use a little help here. "

Hook " So this is what you've been working on all night. This is our new plan to defeat Hades and go home... A bunch of squiggly lines? "

Regina" Hades put one hell of a protection spell on his elevator, and these "squiggly lines" are the only way to crack it open. "

Snow " Then hopefully that elevator will take us straight to him."

 David" Maybe with surprise on our side, we can get a shot at him. "

Hook" That's a lot of "maybe"s and "hopefully"s. "

Me "It's all we have right now. Okay. Let's do this."

I offered her my hand "You mind helping your sister out?"

She smiled and gave me her hand. 

Then we concentrated at the elevator doors.

They opened and there was a wall in front of us. 


David sighed " So much for surprising him. "

Snow "Oh, we'll think of something else. We always do. What if...? "

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