1.38 A Kiss

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Regina asked irritated  " a trap? that's your plan?"

Emma "The Lost Boys wanna come after us, we need to go after them"

They were all knotting a vines together together.

Hook "you really think a Lost Boy is gonna betray Pan?"

Me "Well, who would've thought that you selling me out to Pan would actually turn out to be useful?"

Hook asked confused  "what do you mean?"

Me "You seem to forget that they are boys and i am a girl. And these Lost Boys took a big interest in me"

Regina asked amused "they had a crush on you?"

Me "of course they had. I was the only female human being around, well, besides Tink. But even though their loyalty was with Pan they did everything to make me happy so...we could use that against Pan"

Snow "We need more vine, David"

David nodded "on it"

He walked past Hook "and you're coming with me, Pirate"

Hook asked confused  "why is that?"

I snapped "because we need more rope"

Hook fake smiled and bowed a little "if the lady insists"

Then they left and i rolled my eyes.


Emma "A sextant? and you're telling us about this now?"

Regina "how do we know you're not lying?"

Hook shook his head "you don't. But i'm not. this is the best hope yet we've had of an exit plan. And don't forget we're gonna need one"

Emma "then what are we waiting for?"

Hook "Emma. You were right. You need to get that message to Henry. Every day without hope is a day closer to becoming a Lost Boy. Your father and i should go"

David nodded  "Hook's right"

Snow asked confused  "you want to split up?"

David sighed "it's the last thing i want to do. But if there's a chance he can get us home.."

Snow nodded "okay"

David "Emma, while i'm gone, just..."

Emma mocked "Listen to my mother?"

David chuckled "be careful"

Emma nodded "i always am"

David "and when you send that message to Henry, add something to it for me, would you? "

Emma nodded.

David "Tell him...tell him his grandpa loves him"

Then he hugged her.

Emma "good luck"

David "you too"

Then he hugged Snow .

I smiled and walked over to a tree and siphoned it since my battery was empty.

David walked to me.

I shook my head, amused "What? "

He looked at me and smiled sadly "I love you, Echo. "

I nodded, smiling confused  "i know, i love you, too"

He nodded and walked away with Hook.


I took a little walk away from the others with Henry's magic.

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