1.40 "Nasty Little Liar"

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I looked around, confused "Where am i?"

Pan asked amused "don't you recognize this place? "

I tried to stand up but i was tied up.

I sighed pissed off "Skull Rock. You brought me to Skull Rock?! Are you serious?!"

Pan eyed me, confused  "why are you so weak?"

Me "i had to siphon myself, Pan"

Pan "you could've siphoned the Dark Hollow, why didn't you?"

Me "Because there's a reason it's called "Dark Hollow", idiot. Besides, i siphoned Hook"

Pan "And yet you're still weak, why?"

Me "Because i don't have a heart beating in my chest to contain the magic i siphoned "

He chuckled "my bad"

I ignored him "Are you going to give it back or do you want me to beg?"

Pan held his hand up and i saw my heart beating in his hand "i give you that heart and you will kill me"

I shook my head "i won't"

Pan eyed me.

I scoffed, amused "Pan, i am not allowed to leave this Island, at least you can give me back my heart!"

Pan nodded "Fine"

He put the heart 10 feet across from me on a stone "Take it. it's yours"

I yelled "I'm tied up, Pan!"

He nodded "i know"

then he walked up the stone stairs .

I yelled "Pan, you son of a bitch!"

Suddenly i saw a boat approaching.

Bae, Regina, Gold and Emma got off of it and rushed to me.

Emma "are you okay, Echo?"

I nodded "I'm exhausted "

Bae " Hook told us what happened. You siphoned yourself"

I nodded "i did"

Bae sighed "oh, Echo"

Me "i don't need you to lecture me, Bae, trust me. The pain i have inside is already lecturing enough to never do it again"

Regina suddenly picked up my heart "i guess this belongs to you?"

i nodded "yes, it does. Could someone please put it back in my chest?"

Regina walked over to me and rammed my heart back in my chest.

I gasped out "Thanks"

Emma went to walk up the stairs but flew back "what it this?"

Gold "Pan cast a protection spell. "

Regina "there has to be a way to break it"

She suddenly threw a fireball at it but it backfired.

Gold "Pan's magic is too powerful for you"

Then he suddenly walked through the barrier.

Me "how did you do that?"

Gold "the spell is designed to keep anyone who casts a show from entering"

Bae "and you don't have one. You were telling the truth about ripping your shadow off. "

Gold nodded "And Pan knows it. That's why he cast the spell he did. This isn't about keeping you out. It's about drawing me in. He knows i won't give up the chance to finish what i came here to do"

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