"Scott?" Avi rubbed his eyes with one hand and then sat up slowly. "For how long was I out?"

"About two hours" Scott replied. "Esther went home, she was tired and your niece or nephew was annoying her, so I told her that I would stay with you."

Avi nodded slowly as he took in the information. "Mmhm, okay. I... it was bad, wasn't it? The... attack?"

The blonde smiled sadly. "Esther said it was the worst she has ever witnessed. But you made it through for the time being and this is the most important thing..."

"Mmhm..." Avi hummed. He ran a hand through his hair and then balled both of them into fists. "I guess I need to come to terms with the fact that I'll have to go on tour alone..."

While Avi was talking, Scott noticed that he started to fidget again. "Avi?" He said and was surprised that he stayed so calm. "Avi" he repeated when the musician didn't react.

Within a split second, Scott had taken his place next to the bearded man and took his fidgeting hands into his own, squeezed them softly. "Can you focus on my voice."

Avi nodded.

"Good. I talked to Esther. If nothing major happens, I will join you on the tour. She will talk to the company tomorrow to get me a paid position. I don't know what it's going to be, but you won't be alone" Scott said and when Avi looked at him confused, he just said. "We'll go on tour together."

Avi shook his head. "You..." He took a few breaths to calm down before he continued. "Thank you, Scott. I..." he sighed and leaned back. "There's so much I want to say, I just need a moment. Exhausted."

"That's fine, Avi. You don't have to talk. I just want you to be comfortable. Cuddle? Or sleep?"

Avi smiled. "Both? Please?"

Scott smiled. "Of course." He wanted to kick off his shoes but then faltered. "Or do you wanna go outside?"

"Hammock?" Avi asked.


Avi smiled brightly. "Yes."

Scott smiled back at him and got up. "Good. Well, come on then. Do you need help?"

Avi got up slowly and squeezed his eyes shut. "Dizzy. Need..."

"Water and maybe some orange juice?" Scott asked as he helped Avi over to a chair at the dining table. "Do you want a snack, too?"

But Avi just scrunched his nose. "No, not hungry. But juice. In the fridge."

Scott had already gotten the bottle out and two glasses and filled them with juice. "Here..." he said and set one in front of Avi. The bearded man drank it in small sips. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Do you need anything else?"

"Just rest. Maybe some water? And a blanket? In the cabinet on the patio..." Avi sighed. "This is supposed to be a date and I am not dating material today, sorry."

Scott, who had gotten a bottle of water out of the fridge, squatted down next to Avi. "I don't care, Avi, I get to spend time with you either way and I get to know you. And I get cuddles in the hammock. Wait here while I set up the pillows and the blanket? I'll get you afterwards."

Avi smiled and for the first time since Scott had arrived, it was genuine. "Yes, please."

Ten minutes later, the two men were lying in the hammock under the warm blanket. Scott was lying on his back and Avi on his chest.

It was comfy and cosy and the blonde thought that the musician had fallen asleep because he was quiet and breathing calmly.

"How do you do this, Scott?" Avi's soft voice startled Scott.

"What?" he asked nevertheless.

Avi looked up. His eyes were tired, but he looked happier.

"You just came into my life and turned it upside down. Whenever I am struggling, you have the answer, you are the answer." He sighed. "I never thought I could learn to trust another person. It was always tough to show my true self to people, but you... you just accept me the way I am. And..." he sighed and shook his head when tears welled up in his eyes. "I'm just thankful. There's more I want to say to you, but I feel like it has to wait until after this stupid attack hangover because I am a mess right now. Can't function properly. Exhausted."

"That's fine, Avi. We've got time. I'll stay for as long as you need me to" Scott confirmed. He smiled when Avi laid his head back on his chest and closed his arms around him. "Is the panic attack hangover a real thing?"

"Mmhm... many claim that it is. Like a real alcohol hangover, but might take longer to pass. Sleep helps. Being not alone helps." He yawned and closed his eyes.

"Sleep, Avi. You won't be alone" Scott said softly and then smiled when he noticed that Avi had already drifted off.


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