Chapter-41 : Red Tomato

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"Aunty, what are you saying?!"I felt perplexed. "You don't have to apologize!"

Her face beamed with a smile as she held my hands in her palm, "Can we proceed with the wedding then?"

I glanced at him again, he was nervously looking at me now, I sighed, "Yeah, sure." Annaba screeched in happiness and hugged me from my side.

"Alhumdulillah."his mom rejoiced. "I hope all of you agree too?"

"I don't think we have any problem with it." My father replied.

"It's alright, dear."my mother said to Abir, "I am really sad to hear that you have to sacrifice your career. Hope this brings good."

"But umm.... I have one condition." I replied in a steady tone as I saw horror filling in Abir's eyes again. The whole room stopped rejoicing and looked at me.

"Yes?" His mom replied.

"I want the nikah to be performed in a mosque. Not in some grand hotels. Can we do that?"

And the tension in the air vaporized in a second, "Sure! Abir you have any problem?"

"Not at all."he talked for the first time. "I am okay with literally anything."

"Of course you are." They laughed aloud.

"But," my mom spoke, "How are you going to live? She has a university to attend. She cannot leave all this and move to your city! You cannot live here either."

Abir didn't speak, neither did I. Our future is completely uncertain. I don't know how to work out a long distance relationship or if it is even possible. So I looked at him with a questioning glance. He stared at me too.

"I know. Obviously I'm not telling her to come to my city now. That would be absurd. As I have to continue this job to the end of this month, so that gives me two weeks to stay here in Dhaka. Then I'll be permanently shifting. We have to live apart for most of the time as it seems. And I don't think it will be a problem. I'll be visiting now and then. I mean of course, if Shayba has no objection with it?-" he raised his eyebrows hoping I'd support his idea.

But I didn't know what to reply to this weird idea. I mean we will be married but live in two different districts? I need to finish my studies here, he needs to hold the reins of his business. We both have got our own priorities. Wow. I felt so remorseful even at the thought of it.

"Shayba dear, are you okay with it?"

"I don't know. I just...." I stuttered, " I don't know, I'm.."

"It will be alright! I'll be coming all the time!" he started to assure me, "Your studies are more important now, right?"

I glanced at him with confusion, "We can work this out."he shook his head in the affirmative and stated without any doubt making me a bit assured.

So I nodded. Allah please help me. Help us both.

So my mom agreed too and after discussion, they thought it would be good as soon as our nikah would be performed. So they asked for our approval again and fixed the date for the coming Friday.

Oh my Allah, I have only five days left?
I felt nervous and exhausted at the same time. Part of me is scared because my wedding is arriving so soon and the other part of me is tired enough to get done with all this drama already and wants to start a new life.

The shopping is done already, so we didn't have much to do. After they left, my brother called the caterer and ordered the food.

My mom complained a few times why I would ask for such a condition, but my father stopped her. "She didn't have it the way she wanted it the first time, now let her fulfill her wish. And it's also good that we will have fewer people to cast their evil eyes now."

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