Helping Out - Part 35

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The soft sound of Harry's voice broke you out of your slumber. You roll over in bed, to see him sitting on a chair in the bedroom with his guitar in his hand. The babies were laying in their bassinets making little noises as he softly strummed his guitar and sang to them. You smiled as you watched him.

The four of you had been home for a week now and just like you thought your lives were changed completely. Your days consisted of feeding, diaper changes,  laundry, and a few minutes of sleep here and there. Even though you were exhausted and still healing from the delivery, you wouldn't change a thing. Harry looked over, noticing you were awake and he quickly stopped.

"Sorry," he winced. "Did I wake you?"

You nodded, sitting up, "Yeah, but it's okay."

"Damnit," he sighed. "I tried to be as quiet as I could."

"Harry, it's fine," you smiled. "It was nice to wake up to that then screaming babies."

He smiled a bit, "True," he said. "I changed their diapers a bit ago and I think they've fallen asleep again."

You laughed, "But only for about twenty minutes because it's almost time to feed them."

"How's that going?" He asked. "I know you've been having some issues with that."

"It's going..." you sighed. "I don't feel like I'm producing as much milk as I should be, especially with twins."

"What's the doctor saying?" He asked sitting the guitar down and walking over to the bed.

"Weelll," you said looking over him.

"What?" He asked.

"She said I could have a clogged duct which could be why I'm feeling pain and producing less milk," you said.

"And how do you fix that?" He asked. "Will you need to go see her?"

"Actually, she said that you could help with that," you said.

Harry cocked an eyebrow, "How is that exactly?"

"Apparently, part of what could be going on is that the babies don't have enough strength to suck the clogged milk out, but you could possibly..." you said.

He didn't respond at first, but then all of a sudden a cheeky grin forms across his face.

You rolled your eyes, "This isn't supposed to be a sexual thing," you laughed.

"I know, I know," he said trying to turn serious. "If you need my mouth, it's yours baby," he smirked.

"Oh my god," you shook your head.

"What?" He laughed.

"Nothing," you laughed getting up from the bed. "Come with me."


Later that day, you were sitting in the nursery feeding little miss Ameila Rain Styles while Harry was holding her little brother, Finneas Edward Styles. You were producing a little more milk than you were before Harry helped you out, but you still weren't producing enough. You were worried about giving them enough milk, so for now you two were adding in some formula bottles to help until you figured out your milk situation.

"I still can't get over their tiny hands," Harry smiled as little Finn's hand was around Harry's finger, while he slept.

"I know," you smiled kissing Eila's head. "They're everything I could have hoped for."

"I wonder if we'll still say when their teenagers," he joked.

"Depends on which one of us their like," you smirked.

"Hey! I was a perfect angel," he defended.

"I wouldn't exactly use the word perfect or angel," you joked.

"Do you hear that Finn?" he gasped. "Your Mummy is trying to be funny, but she's not."

You rolled your eyes," And your Daddy is trying to act like he was a goody two shoes when he and I both know he wasn't."

"Hey, to be fair you didn't know me then, so how do you know?" He smirked.

"Photographic evidence," you smirked. "And Gemma and I may hav bonded a little bit over our joy to annoy the shit out of you."

"I feel severely ganged up on," he groaned.

"darn," you smirked.

When you finished feeding Eila, you sat her up against your arm as you gently, but forcefully hit your hand against her back to help her burp. All of sudden, she let out a big burp from such a little body. You and Harry both looked at her with wide eyes before letting out a little laugh.

"At least that didn't come out the other end," he joked.

"And if it does, it's your turn Daddy," you smirked.

"It's always my turn," he whined.

"Yeah, well, you're the one who was all, since you have to carry them for nine months and go through labor, I'll change the diapers as much as I can," you mocked.

"That was before I knew how many times a day they both shit," he groaned. "And how gross they are," he added with a bit of a shudder.

"Well, those were your words," you smirked.

"Yeah, yeah," he mumbled. "When can we potty train them?" He joked.

"Not for a few more years," you smirked.

"Fuck me," he whined.


After dinner, you and Harry were on the floor of the living room. Music was playing softly in the background and the babies were laying on their backs, looking around with wide eyes. Since they spent most of their days sleeping, it was nice getting to share a moment with them awake. They moved their little arms and legs around looking at you and Harry.

"They seem unsure of us," he laughed tickling Amelia's tummy.

"They do," you laughed. "They're like who are these people and why are they so close."

"So, my mom and your mom called earlier," he said. "They seem to be bonding over your parents stay, which is great, anyway, they talked about coming over tomorrow with breakfast and keeping an eye on the babies while we get some rest. I told them they're more than welcome to stop by."

You nodded, "I'll be looking forward to getting a few hours of sleep all together," you laughed. "That is if I can actually stay asleep. I keep finding myself waking up every so often just to check on them."

"Me too," he said kissing the top of her head. "It still blows my fucking mind that we made these two and they're apart of both of us."

You smiled, "I know," you said. "I can't believe that I could love someone this much. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love you with everything I have, but what I feel for them, it's indescribable."

"I know exactly what you mean," he smiled looking over at you. "As soon as I heard their little cries, my heart grew so fucking much."

"I'm so glad you didn't pass out," you giggled.

"One time," he laughed. "That was one time."

"And I'm always going to bring it up, don't you worry," you smirked.

"I'd be shocked if you didn't," he said.

You giggled turning your gaze back down to the babies, who were now both fast asleep. You and Harry smiled at each other before laying down next to them. He reached over to place his arm on you and you did the same with yours as you both laid there as a family until it was time to feed the babies again.

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