Sick Day - Part 15

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Harry groaned as he grabbed a tissue from the nightstand and blew his nose. You looked over at your phone and saw it was only 2am.

"Do you want me to go down and get you some medicine.. or tea?" You asked.

"M'fine," he mumbled with a cough again.

"No, you're not," you said reaching over and touching his forehead. "You're burning up."

"Then why am I freezing," he said pulling the blanket around him.

"Because that's how this works," you said. "Here put your pillows up so you can sit up more and I'll go make some tea and get you some meds."

"No, no, I'll make the tea," he said.

You rolled your eyes, "I make tea pretty damn well, thank you very much."

"Eh," he shrugged.

"You're lucky you're sick," you said.

"M' not sick..." he coughed. "I just have some allergies going on."

"You don't get a fever with allergies," you said.

"And you became a doctor when?" He asked.

"Just let me take care of you," you rolled your eyes.

You got up from the bed and went to grab the thermometer. "Open," you said holding it out for him.

"Are you going to put on a sexy nurse's outfit and take care of me?" He smirked.

"Will you stop," you groaned shoving the thermometer in his mouth. "Now, keep it there until I get back."

He rolled his eyes and you went downstairs. When you did, you quickly filled the kettle with water and placed it on the stovetop. While that was warming up, you grabbed the medicine and an orange from the fridge. You peeled it and cut into chunks and the kettle started whistling. You finished making the tea and went upstairs with everything.

Harry was sitting up on the bed with his arms crossed and a pout on his lips while the thermometer was still in his mouth. You took it out and looked at it.

"Yep, you're sick," you said.

He groaned sitting back and taking the tea from you. "Did you put-"

"Yes," you nodded.

"And you added-"

"Yes! Yes! I made it just like you make every fucking day," you rolled your eyes.

"Well, someone's a bit of a grouch," he said.

"I'm sorry, I'm just it's 2am and I'm half asleep," you said. "Plus, I want you to take this seriously and get some rest."

He rolled his eyes, "I'm fine," he said.

"You're not, now take these," you said holding out the pills. "These will help you sleep and reduce your fever."

He took them from you and popped them into his mouth before taking a sip of the water you had also brought up with you. He took a few of the orange slices and ate them while he sipped on his tea.

You brought in another box of tissues and climbed into the other side of the bed. You checked your phone while Harry finished everything. When he did, he placed it onto the bedside table and looked over at you.

"Thank you," he whispered.

"You're welcome," you smiled. "Now, get some rest."

"Can I be the little spoon?" He smiled.

You laughed nodding. He smiled turning his back to you while you wrapped your arms around him.


Over the next few days, Harry has gotten on your nerves. He was so needy being sick. He had gotten worse with his symptoms, but the meds seemed to be helping for the most part. He was constantly asking for something to drink, more tissues, the tv remote, his phone, a book, cuddling... it was insane. You helped into the shower to rinse off and inhale the steam from the hot water, but all he cared about was you two getting it on inside the shower.

"If you're well enough to fuck me, then you're well enough to reach over and grab something that's less than five feet away," you laughed.

"That's different," he mumbled.

You rolled your eyes helping him back in bed. You had made him soup and brought it up to him. He ate it slowly while you did some other things like laundry and dishes. You were exhausted as you made your way back into the bedroom. Harry was staring at his phone and you sighed.

"Why aren't you asleep? Your body needs rest," you said.

"I know, I know, but I'm bored," he whined. "I've already watched enough Netflix for the day and nothing's on TV, I'm not even tired..."

"Too bad," you said.

"I'm having flashbacks of being sick back home with my Mum," he groaned.

"So, you've always been this difficult? Good to know," you laughed.

"Heeeey," he protested.

"How about this," you said. "I'll lay down with you and we can take a nap together."

"Yes!" He nodded. "I've been waiting for that all damn day."

"Well, I've been busy," you laughed.

You climbed into bed and wrapped your arms around him.

"Thank you for taking care of me," he whispered.

"I did promise to stand by you in sickness and in health," you smiled.

"And just so you know, I promise to take care of you if you ended up getting this shit too, okay?" He said.

"You better and if I end up getting sick, I'm going to be ten times worse than you," you smirked.

He laughed shaking his head as he cuddled into you, "I love you," he whispered.

"And I love you," you smiled before closing your eyes.


I know it's short, but thought it was a cute little moment! :)

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