Guys Night Out - Part 11

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"Oh my god did you just spray the entire bottle of your cologne on you just now?" You groaned walking into the bedroom, where Harry was getting ready.

Harry stood there, looking embarrassed holding the very bottle in his hand. "Um, well, it sort of was jammed or something, so I kept pressing it and then all of fucking sudden it shot out this huge spray," he mumbled.

"Well, now it smells like a fucking Tom Ford fragrance testing center," you laughed.

"At least it smells good," he smirked placing the bottle back onto the counter. "So, what are you going to do tonight?"

"Probably just stay home, get some work done," you said. "Since my party is now being held on a different night."

"I told you, I could have postponed mine," he said.

"Why should you? You already planned this out. Besides, it'll be nice to have a night to myself..." you smirked.

"Well, that's fucking rude," he joked.

"Yeah, well, what are you gonna do?" You shrugged.

Harry walked over putting his hands on your hips, "There's plenty..." He smirked leaning down to kiss you.

"But you've got to go or you'll be late," you said pushing him away playfully.

"Why do I feel like you're trying to get away from me?" He laughed.

"I'm not, I just don't want you to be late," you smirked. "Just think of it this way... the sooner you leave... the sooner you get back and the sooner you can show me just how much you're going to do."

"When you put it that way," he smirked.


Harry arrived at the restaurant a half hour later to all of his close male friends sitting at a table and cheering him on as he walked in. Harry, of course, wore both a blush and a smirk as he took his seat.

"Oh shut up!" He laughed.

"I'm surprised we got you away from the wife," Ben laughed.

"Actually she was more than happy to let me out of the house," he joked.

"Damn she's tired of you already?" Mitch smirked. "I'm surprised she lasted this long, to be honest."

"Fuck you!" Harry laughed.

"Well, now that the man of the night is here, it's time for shots!" they said.

"Oh god," Harry groaned.

The waitress brings over a tray full of shot glasses and places one in front of every person, along with limes.

"Okay, so I'm going to do a quick toast," Jeff said standing up and holding his shot glass. "I just want to say congrats to you, Harry. I think we can all agree on being fucking shocked to learn you got married, but we are all happy for you. We can see how happy you are and how happy Y/N is as well. So, here's to you let's have a great fucking night!"

Everyone cheered and shot back their shots.


After dinner, the boys went got into some cars before heading to a nearby club. They all were definitely tipsy, but not super drunk... yet. They all walked inside and over to a private booth, where bottles of liquor were already there waiting.

"Oh god, I'm going to regret this in the morning," Harry groaned.

"Well, drink up anyway," James smirked.

Harry laughed taking a drink from James and downing it. "Fuck that's awful."

Everyone laughed and starting doing the same. After about an hour of drinking and having a bit of conversation in the booth, Harry went down to use the restroom. On his way back, he heard, or at least he thought he heard it... between the volume of the music and the alcohol that was now taking over his body, he couldn't be sure.

But he stopped anyway and looked around when he saw a familiar face or three... of the same person.

"Oh, hey," he slurred.

"Hey," she smiled wrapping her arms around him in a hug.

Harry hugged her back and she smiled. "How have you been?"

"Greeaaaaat," he said. "You?"

"I'm doing well. How drunk are you?" she asked.

"Waaaaay past drunk," he laughed.

"I can tell," she laughed. "Do you need help?"

"Nooo," he laughed. "I'm good."

However, she didn't listen and helped him up to the booth. As soon as she walked in, everyone stopped what they were doing and stared.

"Heeey, look who I ran into," Harry smirked.

"You need to leave," Jeff said, sobering up a bit.

"What? Why?" She asked.

"Because you know fucking why," he said.

"Don't be fucking rude," Harry hiccuped.

"Mate, let him be rude," James said. "This is a private party, please excuse yourself."

"What the fuck was that for?" Harry asked, once the girl, Harry's former ex, finally left. "She's a friend."

"She's no friend," Jeff shook his head. "She's trying to use you."

"How?" Harry burped.

"I think it's best for you to go home," he said.


The next morning, the exact thing Jeff was trying to keep from happening, ended up happening. There were pictures of Harry and his ex inside the club going viral everywhere and it didn't take long before articles were being written about your marriage being over and Harry going out to drink away his feelings.

Luckily, Jeff had forewarned about the situation, so there wasn't an issue between you and Harry... but that didn't mean there wasn't an issue with everyone else. And now, you were going to have defend your relationship, yet again. 

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