Your Face

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HAPPY GLOBAL BEATLES DAY EVERYONE!!!! Have a story with Beatles outtakes on me!!

Everyone knows how awkwardly tense the Let It Be sessions were for the Beatles. But back in 1964, things were much calmer. And by calmer I might more insane with flubbing up their takes.

"Paul forgot to sing." John giggled.

"God I'm sorry, I'm sorry. God I'm sorry." The bassist muttered, trying to pull himself together from such an embarrassing mistake. "This won't be on the album will it?"

"Unless we decide to release all our outtakes on an Anthology thirty years from now, but I doubt that would happen."

"That's what you said about getting our own movie and TV show and look what happened. I think the fans would appreciate all our unused takes, they'd eat up anything that has us in it in some way."

"Even cartoon vultures? Pft, like that would ever happen. But back to recording."

Enough of the Hard Day's Night songs for now, time for some work on their latest (At the time anyways) upcoming album. "We still haven't got a name for this one yet, I was thinking something not named after any of our songs like before."

"We can worry about the name once it's fully finished and is for sale. Now for our opener, bit of a downer to start with but hey, it'll get more cheery the longer it goes on right?"

"Just as long as I get to sing at least. None of your songs feature me on it!"

"You'll get your chance George, not now, but very soon."

"That usually means I get the last song on the album. Ugh, let's just get this over with already."

The opener was No Reply, a sad breakup song. But from the way it was recorded now you'd be totally mistaken.

"'Cause I know where you've been

I saw you walk in

Your face-door!" John tried to keep a straight face after singing the wrong word, but didn't stop playing. In fact, he wasn't done yet.

"'Cause you walked hand in hand

With another man


At this point, Paul was a giggling mess, leading the rhythm guitarist to finish the song himself. "Forgot to sing again I see?" He thought as he continued.

"They said it wasn't you

But I saw you peep through-"

Can you guess what he would say next?


Now the whole studio caught Paul's contagious laughter and couldn't help but giggle along. "Looks like we get a break now George M!" John snickered, trying to keep himself together.

"I was hoping you'd get at least one song done, but I suppose a break would help you calm your nerves. Just don't do that again okay?"

"Even if it becomes more popular than the finished song itself? And gets made into a story for our very own holiday?"

"Why would anyone do that?"

"Who knows? Maybe they'd find some enjoyment out of our outtakes."

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