Green Pattie

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St Patrick's Day has always been a good excuse for the boys to go out and indulge in as much beer as they liked, as well as stuff themselves with a large number of potato based dishes until they needed an antacid and some painkillers from the hangover the day after. That is until George met a lovely model on the set of A Hard Day's Night, Pattie Boyd was her name. "How am I supposed to tell her how I feel if I can't even ask her out for a drink?" The youngest Beatle lamented after filming. "I mean look at her! She's so dreamy, that cute gap between her teeth, her posh accent. And she's a natural blonde too!"

The only other person around at the moment was the Beatles' often tired manager, Brian. For obvious reasons he wasn't exactly the best person to turn to when it comes to asking for dating advice (unless it's about John, then he's an expert), but he was willing to do whatever it takes to get George to get Pattie out on a date. "The others would probably be drinking their brains out at the pub by now, Ringo's going to be so hungover once it's time for his big solo scene in the film. I think everyone went out now that I think of it, how come Pattie stayed behind?"

George was about to respond when he saw his soon to be girlfriend passed by, he was immediately reduced to a stuttering mess. Pattie noticed almost immediately, giggling at how awkward the lead guitarist was acting. "Oh hello there, aren't you George Harold Harrison?"

"Y-yeah! Yeah I'm Horge Garri-I mean Georrison Harr-Joj-err-"

Brian had to step in, patting George's back as he tried to regain composure. "Yes, this is George. Of course he doesn't have a middle name, but that's him. Oh dear, now he's spitting all over the tablecloth. I think he's trying to ask you out to the pub, either that or he's wanting a patty made of bugs?.. Yeah it's definitely a date he wants."

"Aw how sweet of him, but I'm not in a drinking mood at the moment. It's my birthday y'know? I would much rather have something sweet that won't leave me vomiting on the floor past midnight." She giggled, watching as George blubbered some more in an attempt to speak to her. "Um, is he alright?"

"Yes I'm fine!! Oh, and uh.. Happy birthday too. You were born on St Patrick's Day? And you're name is Pattie? Heh, that's funny. Oh wait, that just made me sound corny." The lead guitarist mumbled.

"Why thank you, and I never noticed until now. Maybe that's where I got my name. How about a little dinner date? We could stop by the bakery and get a cake to split, does that sound good to you?"

Cake was all George needed to hear. "I'll supply the candles and pay for everything! And if they don't have a cake you like I'll learn to bake and make sure you have the best birthday ever!" He immediately shot up and took her hand. "How does Chinese sound for dinner? I'm in the mood for some egg drop soup, and maybe a side of prawn crackers too."

"How about peaking duck? In steamed buns with plenty of peanuts."

Brian smiled as the pair talked, leaning back in his chair. "Wait, I should probably go in to check on them. Nah, I'm sure they'll be alright."

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