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Paul wasn't excited about turning 80, it's not that he was tired of birthday parties or had too many sweatervests for presents, it's just he's tired of being reminded that ringos two years older and yet looks forty times younger. "There's no way he's that good looking on broccoli alone! I bet he's found the fountain of youth, or at least uses a lot of hair dye." The bassist thought. "Where is he anyways? He said he's got a surprise for us both."

Now that they were both fully vaccinated, boosted and still wearing their masks for good measure, Ringo was allowed to travel to any city Paul was touring at at the moment. The drummer always had something new to give his best mate, whether it be the bass that shoots confetti, his homemade Rupert Bear plushie or that mile long sheet cake he baked for the entire band. Paul would have eaten it all himself if it wasn't half burnt and loaded with way too much buttercream. "Since I'm now a whole eight decades old he said I'll need something super extra special for today. Hopefully it's not another sheepdog he calls Martha Jr, I don't think anyone can ever replace her."

"Hey Paul! Hope you don't mind me letting myself in, you left your door unlocked again." Ringo yelled into his ear. "Been here for a while but I didn't want to interrupt your train of thought."

"Ack! Did you need to yell? I need my ears to hear how amazing I sound! But you sure got here fast, what's this extra special surprise you got for me? Did John, George, Stu, Brian and Linda all come down from heaven and hide inside that box you have there?"

"Pfft, nah they'd never fit. Besides we already had that last year, I thought I could get you something just as good! Or at least as good as seeing our old friends could be, I baked you another little something I hope you might like."

Opening up the box, Paul saw yet another cake covered in vanilla buttercream and a chocolate ganache. "Oh, you made me a cake, how lovely. Wait, why is it steaming?"

"Take a slice, I'm sure you'll be in for a surprise!" Ringo insisted, placing a large slice on a plate. "But be careful, this is right out of the oven."

"If it's out of the oven how come the cream isn't melting? Aw well, must be some new kind of preservative that let's you frost the cake immediately." But as soon as the bassist took a bite, he realized it wasn't frosting at all. "Wait, this tastes like mashed potatoes! And the cake doesn't taste very cakey."

"I never said I made a cake, I found Linda's old cookbook and wanted to give you something actually good to eat. I baked some veggie loaves in a cake pan, then covered each layer with mashed potatoes according to that video of yours and topped it off with some vegan gravy for good measure. Is it good? Or at least better than the old sheet cake?"

"Oh its delicious! I mean it has to be since you used Linda's recipes, but you recreated them so well! Ooh, the caramelized onions on every layer is a nice touch too, I sure love onions!" Paul exclaimed, taking another large bite out of the "cake". "I wish I had a bigger mouth, this is just so amazing! I'm surprised since back in the group you couldn't even boil an egg."

"Well everyone can improve their cooking, especially when they're sister in law is one of the best chefs you know. I'm talking about Linda y'know?"

"Heh, still think of us all as brothers?"

"When have I never? Not counting that one time when we all decided we now hated each other. Hey, what do you think our late bandmates are doing for your birthday?"

"Probably haunting our houses to keep people from breaking in. John seems like the type to do stereotypical ghost thi-" but before Paul could finish his sentence, John immediately phased through the wall to give him a spook. "Eep!! I guess John did take some time out of being dead to see me."

"Now that you're twice my age I wanna rub it in! Also Martha wanted to go for a walk, so why not have her give ya a birthday lick?"

The translucent sheepdog didn't think twice before flying at her old owner, soaking him with her ectoplasmic slobber. "Hahaha!! Aw, I missed you too girl, I hope you've been behaving for Linda now."

"She gets along very well with all my cats, George would have come as well but he's getting getting for Father's Day tomorrow, said he's gonna go see Dhani." John grinned. "But at least ya got us! Even if I only got you a sweatervest as a gift. It's the same one you wore during Magical Mystery Tour!"

"You kept that with you when you went to heaven? Aw well, I was wondering where that old thing went, thanks John!"

"And a happy birthday to you ya old fart!" The ghostly guitarist was instantly met with a glare upon that last statement, but it didn't last long as Paul pulled him and Ringo into a hug. "Wanna put on a little show like the old days?"

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