Starr In The Sky (McStarr)

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This is a sequel of sorts to Interplanetary Inflation so go read that first! This was also written alongside @ChubWriter667 !! I hope you all like it!

Upon hearing a knock at the door, John quickly handed George the human disguise and helped him to the bathroom. "Quick! Put this on while I get the door!" He ordered as he ran for the door as George got changed. "Oh hi Paul, what brings you here?"

"Just wanted to know if you heard about that ship that crashed nearby. It shook the entire neighborhood!" Paul exclaimed. "Am I interrupting something? You're looking a lot.. Well.. Bigger than usual."

"Just finished my latest one. Also that ship you mentioned crashed in my yard, but it's all burned up and there wasn't anything inside worth looking at. Also why didn't you just phone me about it?"

"I tried, but you weren't answering your phone." Paul said. "Oh, sorry, I was busy with experiments." John said.

"Ah, well anyways, you feel like going to the movies later? I hear they're playing that horror one that just came out!"

"I'm not sure I can-"

"Come on John, You've been in your lab all week, I'm sure whatever you're doing isn't that important." Paul said. "Fine." John sighed before George walked out of the bathroom.

"Oh? I never knew you had someone over." Paul asked as he saw the human looking George.

"Yeah, this is George. He's been helping me with the experiments, and he's living with me too." John answered, hugging his plump boyfriend.

"Oh, so he's your boyfriend?" Paul asked.

"What is a boyfriend?" George asked, confusing Paul.

"You don't know what a boyfriend is?" Paul asked George, who was slightly panicking.

"Whatever, anyway, George, do want to come with me and John to the movies?" Paul asked.

"Oh sure! I'd love to see around this place." George smiled. "Where do we go? Do we get any snacks as well?"

"He's from out of town, I can show him around here afterwards. What on tonight?" John asked.

"I was going to make us watch Nightmare On Elm Street, but I don't think George can handle it, since he's probably too young."  Paul said.  "It is rated R, after all."

"Well he's just turned twenty so I'm sure he can! It's not too bloody is it? He can get squeamish pretty easily." John asked. "Isn't there a PG movie about guys hunting ghosts on too? We can see that in the theater and get Elm Street when it comes out on VHS."

"What's the matter, John? Are you chicken?" Paul asked.  "What?! No!" John snapped, blushing.  George just stood there confused. "Why did you call him that Paul?"

"Because he's afraid to see a spooky movie like a chicken's afraid of a knife." Paul replied before taking their hands and leading them to the cinema. "Okay, we're going to see nightmare on elm street if you like or not John." Paul declared as he bought the tickets.

Looking around, George was amazed at all the different screening rooms and snacks available to eat. "What's this?" He asked as he picked up a bucket of popcorn.

"It's popcorn, a delicious salty snack that's perfect with movies." John explained. "Here, try some George, I bet you'll love them."

"Pop... corn...?" George said confusingly.  "It's corn, a plant, that has been popped with heat, and has butter and salt on it." John explain, causing George to look amazed.

"Wow! We never had food like that back on Ruberla s4575." George whispered. Tasting it, George smiled widely at the delicious salty snack. "This is so good! I never tasted anything so succulent." He giggled.

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