Dimension Hopper 1: Octopus MerBeatles

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Here's gonna be a whole little story of the Beatles dimension hopping from AU to AU!! All cowritten with ChubWriter667 !!

"Guys guys guys!! Look what I found!" Ringo exclaimed, rushing through the door of the Beatles hotel.

"Huh? Looks like a pair of scissors to me. You know it's not safe to run with sharp objects." John remarked.

"No, they're special scissors! They do... Something, I forgot what they do but they look cool! I think they cut different shapes in the paper-"

But he was interrupted by a space vortex being opened when he tried to cut the paper. "Whoa! Those are definitely not normal.. But what is that thing?" George wondered.

Sticking his hand into the vortex, he felt himself getting pulled in. "Ah!! Help!!" He squeaked.

John and Paul grabbed his other arm as they tried to pull him away, Ringo tried to close the vortex with the scissors but only ended up making it bigger.

With the vortex enlarged, the older three Beatles fell in as well. As they spiraled through the darkness, Paul and Ringo wound up being separated from their bandmates and fell into the ocean, turning into mermen in the process.

"Ah! My luscious legs are now a tail!!" Paul screamed, smacking it around.

"Looks like a Siamese Fighting Fish. I'm a Dumbo Octopus. But where are John and Geo?" Ringo wondered, at the same time trying to calm down his friend.

"I don't know-"

"Well look at what we have here~" A voice said as suddenly two nets came out and yanked the two merBeatles out of the water, startling them. "Wh-Who are you?"

"I be Yoko Ono, one of ye baddest pirates of the seven seas!. Yar."

"Pirate huh? I always knew she was no good." Paul muttered.

"What was that?!"

"Nothing miss.. You're not gonna kill us for our scales are you?.."

"Pft, they be of no use for me, and merpeople taste awful. What I crave are the songs of mermen. John! George! Take them down to the storage."

"Heh, their our friends they wouldn't-"

"Aye aye cap'n!" John shouted as he pulled both Ringo and Paul to the storage room.

"What the hell John? Why are you betraying us!?" Paul asked, wriggling around in the bag.

"Paul.. I think this is some kind of alternate universe." Ringo whispered. "That would explain why we're merpeople and John's so willing to obey this.. Umm... Witch."

"Alternate universe?. You mean you cut a whole to a whole other dimension? This is insane!" Paul muttered.

"But that makes the most sense right?" Ringo asked quietly.

"I guess..."

"Oi ye mermen, shut ye traps until Yoko says so." John said holding a threatening looking stick.

"Just a stick?. I was thinking you'd be more threatening than that."

"Well George don't trust me using swords. Says I be clumsy, which I ain't! But of course Cap'n Yoko says I better stick with sticks until I be ready for the big weapons."

"Well, why do you listen to Yoko." Paul asked.

"As cap'n she be in charge of everything and I want her to step on me and me b~"

"Whoa whoa! Can't say that in a family friendly story, besides that seems painful." Ringo interrupted.

"That it be, but damn it kinky."

"And ye don't stop to think ye cabin boy would lose sleep, hearing him moan out her name every night when she say he did good." George grumbled. "I only joined because I hoped to start a crew of me own someday."

"Tsk, ye just be jealous that a woman like Yoko doesn't see ye as great as me." John taunted before going back to the top deck to see if Yoko needed assistance.

Ringo checked his pockets for the scissors, thinking they could help him get out, but it seemed George had them. "Hey Geo? Mind handing us those scissors?"

"Ye want me booty? I say no! I found these meself, they're mine."

"Well actually they belong to us, I bought these and we used it to teleport here. Really, we need them to get back home, to our world."

"Pft, do ye take me as an idiot?"

"Do it or we'll tell everyone your gay." Paul threatened.

"What? H-How did you know? Wait, I don't be falling fer blackmail. No one is going to believe ye." George stuttered, getting a bit awkward.

"We know you're into John, we can help you get with him if you give us the scissors." Ringo offered.

"Hmm.. I suppose it's a deal. But ye need to keep yer part of this." George grumbled, opening their cage and getting them into wagons full of water.

"Now just call him down here."

So George did so. The older pirate came down and Ringo tripped him with his short tentacles, causing John to be on top of George, their lips touching.

"Oh!., Oh my.. Did we.. I mean I didn't.. It's not.." George was stuttering, he didn't know what to think after accidentally kissing John. But to his surprise, John silenced him with a kiss.

George slowly melted into the kiss, shocked that John wanted to kiss him. Once he needed to breathe, they parted.

"W-Why ye kiss me? I thought ye liked Yoko...." George asked.

"What if I told ye I be a traitor?" John said, whispering the traitor part.

"I believe that."

"But what we do now?. If she finds out we in love-"

"We'll find a way out, I be having a hidden lifeboat right at the bulkhead." John assured him. "We'll all get out, that includes you too mermen."

"Oh! Before I forget. Here." George smiled, handing them the scissors.

"Oh thanks.. You two be safe now, we'll be alright." Ringo smiled, watching as the two made their escape. "I'm guessing their former captain is sound asleep by now, time for us to go."

Cutting open another hole in space, the merBeatles flopped in and thankfully regained their legs. "I wonder where George and John are."

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