Johnpunzel Part Three

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"This is really weird, I could have sworn there was an opening up here." John thought when he reached the trapdoor. When he tried to push against it, he found it was shut tight. "Hey George? Paul? I think one of you are sitting on the entrance."

"So you've been sneaking out behind my back every night? The nerve of you!"

The auburn haired guitarist jumped as he saw Phil coming out from the shadows. "You're coming with me right now! I raised you for the past eighteen years and you think you could just abandon your caretaker just like that?"

"Abandon? All I did was check out the town just outside the forest and meet with some nice shop owners letting me taste test any goodies they got!"

But his foster dad wanted to hear nothing of if as he dragged John up to his room. "Oooh, and then there was girl. She was so lovely, you ought to see her blonde locks. And-"

Now there was something that caught Phil's attention, but why is that? "You met a girl? What was her name?"

"I dunno, I never asked."

"How could you not know?! You snuck out more than once haven't you?"

"I only ever saw her on the first night, she mentioned something about a war with some queen that accused them of something they didn't do. Does that ring a bell for you?"

"You know all that about her and never bothered to ask her name huh? I find that highly suspicious."

"I would have asked her that if I weren't in such a hurry to get back before you wake up. Because I know for a fact you've been trying to keep me away from the outside world, for what reason? Everyone there is so nice!"

"Liar! I know you're hiding her name from me, so you better tell me right away or else!"

"Or else what?! I already told ya I didn't know, but if you let me go back out there I'll find her and let you know her name."

"Enough!! I have had it with your inability to take anything seriously! You think this is just some fun little game do ya? Well now it's my turn to play a game with you!"

Looking over at the beat up guitar, Phil shot a fire blast right at it, reducing it to a pile of ash. "Hey! How do you expect me to write music without a guitar?!"

"Well maybe that has refreshed your memory. Now, what was her name?!"

"You know I never lied once to ya, since better if I just swallow my pride than let Paul or George suffer in my place. If I knew her name I'll tell ya okay?"

"You, I gave you a final chance and you choose to keep lying to my face?! You've pushed me to my limit Lennon, and now it's time you paid the price."

Both of his arms flashed a bright red as the room begun to change. The door completely vanished from sight, and if John was thinking to escape out the window he better hope he could fly as his small bedroom transformed into a tower that reached up to the top of the illusion wall. "A bit overkill don't you think? I got the picture when you burnt up the only thing that ever gave me happiness in this place."

"Well then you should have obeyed me, now this will be your new home for the rest of your life."

"Yours too, you were so focused on trying to trap me ya-"

"I can fly you twit!"

"Oh right.."

"How come you keep sneaking back here?" Paul asked John, late at night while Phil was out doing whatever creepy old warlocks like him do. "You found a way out of this miserable place and into one full of amazing people and that girl I know you have the hots for. You could have just stayed out there and made a new life out of yourself."

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