DH3: My Hero Beatlemania

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Time for some superpowered Beatles!!

Ringo took the scissors and cut a hole where the Beatles jumped in. They fell into it and landed in another universe. "God damn it, can't we just go home? Where even are we" John asked. "I'd say we're in modern Japan." Paul said.

"Umm..." Ringo mumbled, realizing he gained the superpower of Necrovision, and could now see ghosts.

"Oh I guess we're in some sort of anime where we're superheros!" George said.

"Wow! Forget going home, this place is way cooler!!" John grinned. "What sort of powers do I have? Can I fly or have super strength? Oh! Or maybe I can read minds or be the world's greatest detective!"

"John you really gotta lay off the superhero comics." Paul remarked.

"My what?.. Umm.. I don't know what you're talking about?" He stuttered.

"Whatever, maybe your power is song related? Like you control people with your voice." Paul said as he tried it out. He got the control of a nearby pink haired individual, causing him to walk over.

"Holy damn, that's so cool!"

"Well, what should we do with him now?" Ringo asked.

Paul stayed quiet. "I dunno, uh... Come out of my control~!" Paul sang, causing the man to think by himself again.

"Huh? Who are you? Why am I over here? Were you using your quirk to fuck me!?" The man asked, the tentacles on the back of his head sparked with electricity.

"Ah!! Sorry, it's just we were testing out what we can do, we're new around here and didn't know-"

"New? What do you think you're from another dimension with no powers?" The newcomer growled.

"Yeah! How did you know?" Ringo asked.

George just rolled his eyes, he wondered what his powers were. "Hm, looks like I can shrink." He muttered, running up to John's coat pocket.

John picked up George and put him in his pocket. "So I don't know what my powers are-"

"Oh? Maybe you're quirkless. About 1% of the world population don't have quirks." The stranger explained.

"Oh... This sucks..."

"Who are you, stranger?" Ringo asked.

"Stranger? I thought I was known world wide. I'm Jell-co, but my real name is Jacob Milstone. My quirk is Jellyfish. I can sting people with my tentacles. I'm a renowned Anti-Hero!" The man said.

"Well we're not from this world. We're actually from a pretty mundane place, we're a band." John explained. "And we got here thanks to some scissors which keep disappearing whenever we jump through different places."

"Dimension cutting scissors huh? Well I'm sure there's someone with that sort of quirk who can build ya a new pair." Jell-Co explained. "Why don't you come on down to my place? I can show you around this world."


"Alright let's go!" Jacob exclaimed, running off, with the others following. Once they got there, they saw a grey haired person on his hands and knees in front of a couch. "Gasaru, what are you doing?"

"A-Ah! Jacob, don't startle me like that." He jumped. "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to. So why are you on the floor?"

"Oh, I'm looking for a marble I formed but dropped it and I can't form another one until I break it." Gasaru sighed.

"Well how about you change the size of it? That way you can see it better." Jacob suggested. "I'll check over under the floorboards."

Meanwhile George saw a jar full of gumballs on the table. "Mind if I take one?"

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