Backstage Passing

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So I got this idea from a book called Story Ideas. Basically the Beatles all head to an Elvis concert and that's pretty much it.

One day while the Beatles were all chilling in their hotel room after yet another performance on the Ed Sullivan Show. They were all really exhausted and not to mention bored as hell. "Ugh!" John groaned. "I hate being cooped up in this cramped and claustrophobic room!!"

"Well it's either this or being trampled by our crazy fans out there." George replied, stuffing his face with food. "But hey, at least we've got enough food to last us the rest of the day."

"You mean YOU'VE got enough food to last. You're hogging everything in the fridge again!" Paul snapped at his younger, gluttonous bandmate. "Also John's right, we've been doing nothing but sitting around for hours now.. There's got to be something we can do to pass the time until our next performance."

No one had any ideas, and even if they did they would have to go past the entire mob of fangirls and risk getting their suits torn, clumps of their hair snipped off and most embarrassing of all, get sloppy kisses him them. But then out of nowhere, Ringo saw something that he knew the other three Beatles couldn't pass up. "Hey guys! Elvis is in town and he's gonna do a show in the theater near our hotel! We should go!"

Upon hearing the King of Rock's name, John, Paul and George shot up and dashed right towards the door, not wanting to miss an opportunity like that to meet their idol (Well, one of their idols at least.). But before they got out into the hotel's hallway, George realized something. "Wait guys! We'll be recognized instantly if we go out like this!... It looks like the King's concert will have to wait for another day.."

"Aww don't be like that Georgie." Ringo assured him. "You said we'll be recognized if he went out dressed the way we are."

"Yeah so?"

"So what if we put on disguises before going out? Then no one will even think for a minute that we might be the Beatles!"

"That's a great idea Ringo!" Paul exclaimed. "I got a big box of makeup we can use to help hi-!"

"No Paul!" John growled. "No makeup! Do you not remember what happened the last time Ringo got a makeover?!"

"Well how was I supposed to know that he was allergic to latex?!"

"HEY GUYS!!!" George yelled through a megaphone he pulled out of nowhere. "We're getting anywhere near that concert while you guys are yapping about makeup and crap! Just throw on a trench coat and a wool hat, then no one will recognize us! Now get to it you lazy bums!!"

"Sheesh, isn't he loud?" John mumbled as he went through his closet for anything a Beatlemaniac wouldn't expect her idol to wear. He then pulled out an odd looking walrus costume complete with a mask that resembled the blubbery Arctic animal. "Welp.. I guess I'm wearing this."

"Ugh John! You can't seriously be wearing that to the concert! I for one, know that hippo outfits are all the range these days!" Paul exclaimed as he put on a hippo costume and mask.

George could care less about what he wore, as long as no one knew it was him in the outfit. The only thing that was clean was his old Bugs Bunny costume he wore to a Halloween party the Beatles all had last month, so that was what he put on.

"Ooh animal costumes! I wanna wear one too!" Ringo exclaimed, he then tried looking for another animal costume, but couldn't find one. So he decided to sea his one. It ended up actually being a very good rooster outfit. "Okay let's go!"

Stepping out of their hotel, the Beatles all sighed in relief when they saw that no one recognized them in their animal costumes. It was really surprising since they all looked really stupid in those costumes but hey, it did the job. Now they were all on their way to the Elvis concert. Upon arriving, the Beatles all managed to get front row seats. Manly because people actually thought they were giant monster animals for some reason and wanted them to be pampered like pets.

"Alright! These disguises work like a charm!" John thought as he was watching the concert. "Finally we can all have some fun and alone time with no one to bug us. Hmm... Maybe we can all go and see Elvis backstage when the show is over."

Soon the 40 minute long concert had been wrapped up and everyone was heading back to their cars to drive him.. Everyone but the Beatles that is. They all snuck backstage and hid inside a giant box, ready to surprise Elvis once he opened it. And when he did, this happened.

"ROOAAR!! WE ARE THE BEATLES AND WE'RE HERE FOR YOU!!!!" They all shouted. But unfortunately since they were all still wearing their disguises Elvis didn't recognize them either and assumed the worst that happened. "This is awful! Giant animals are taking over the world and now they've kidnapped the Beatles and have sent out doubles! Thank god I brought my shotgun just in case something like this happened."

"EEEK!!! Run for your lives guys!!" The Beatles all tore out of their costumes and ran off before they could get shot. The fans might have been chasing after them, but they were honestly getting sick of their ridiculous animal costumes and being ignored by everyone out on the streets.

"Okay.. Never again will we try to go outside in stupid disguises..." George groaned.

"Agreed... But you got to admit it was fun running around town and is better than just staying at the hotel all day right?"

Beatles one-shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن