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Based on the picture above

On that night, December 10th, 1980, everything would change for him. He was shot four times in the back, it would have been enough for Mark David Chapman to finish him, but he somehow survived. However he was losing blood fast, thankful that the perpetrator ran out of bullets, Yoko didn't think twice before rushing John to the hospital.

"Will he be alright Doctor?" She asked as she saw her husband being wheeled into an operating room.

"He will as long as we get the bullets out and stop the internal bleeding as soon as possible. Does Mr. Lennon have any other family? They may need to come in case this is the last time they see him."

"Oh I'm sure they're much too busy to do that, besides Sean's asleep right now and-"

"Mrs. Lennon, like it or not they're still a part of family and it's our little rule that all family and friends all come in case they might lose a loved one. I'll pay for their plane fair if you like."

"No.. Fine, I'll bring them all in, but I will not be happy seeing John with anyone but me." Yoko groaned as she picked up the phone to contact John's old band mates, Cynthia and Julian. "Might as well bring Sean over too."

Meanwhile in the operating room, the surgeons got all the bullets out, but it seemed that nothing could be done with the wounds.

"They hit some major nerves in his spine, he'll be restricted to a wheelchair and may not be able to move his arms again." The head doctor told her colleagues.

"There's no doubt he'd object to that, he needs his arms to play his instruments! Is there anything else we can do?"

"Even if we could repair the damages, the pain would still be too much for him to handle. We-"

"Wasn't there that old program where we'd replace damaged limbs with new ones?"

"Replacing organic material with mechanical limbs? It could be risky since it's still a very recent development. But if it works, John Lennon may be the first cyborg musician!"

"I can assure you that it will work! We just need to hook up some wires to his spine so the limbs can take neural messages and then we can get to work replacing his old broken limbs. Then we can patch up his bullet holes."

As they worked to replace any broken limbs, somehow John awoke and was shocked at what was going on. "What's going on here?! What are you doing to me?!"

"Remain calm now Mr. Lennon. It's just a small operation we're doing."

"What even are you doing?! Turning me into some kind of robot?!!" He snapped, trying to get off the table and run, but his new limbs were still being attached to him which forced him back down.

"If this works, you won't ever have to worry about breaking a leg again, you can become Superhuman! The metal plates on your chest will make you bulletproof so nothing like this ever happens again!" The surgeons convinced him. "Just sit still and it'll all be finished."

"I don't want to be just a robot, I want people to know that I still have some humanity left on me.." John sniffled. "The others will think of me as some metal freak.."

Feeling sorry for the poor rock star, the doctors finished up hooking the wires to his spine. "Hm.. Oddly enough his lower torso seems totally unharmed." They pointed out.

"Leave it like that.. It's soft, not like my new body parts."


"I don't care if it makes me vulnerable to anything, I just want to make some part of the old me still left."

"Well... Alright Mr. Lennon. You're now free to go."

Getting up, John found it hard to get used to his new robotic limbs, but he managed to stumble his way back to his waiting family and friends. "I guess I'm a CyberRocker now huh?" He joked. "You guys won't think of me any different after what happened will you?"

Cynthia stepped forward in order to kiss her old husband, feeling his lips still as plump as ever. "You're still our lovely Johnny, metal or flesh I love you."

"Yeah Dad, Sean and I think it's cool to have a robo-Dad!"

Smiling a little, John knew even now he could still count on those he trusted most. "Who knows.. Maybe we'd all gain new limbs in the near future."

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