The Perfect Costume

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"Really John? Don't you think we're too old for this Halloween stuff?" Ringo grumbled. "I would be happy just staying in bed and reading magazines but you dragged me out to this costume shop? I have the strangest feeling it's cursed."

"You're never too old for candy! And there's no such thing as curses, I don't believe in silly superstitions remember? Besides, it's not like we'll end up in possessed knight's armor like in the show, right?"

"I can't believe you actually like our old cartoon. Thank god it wasn't renewed for a fourth season, I would have definitely sued for defamation! Jeez now I sound like George."

John just laughed as he browsed through the different outfits for sale. "Green ninja outfit? I got the strangest feeling this would amplify my daddy issues to a million. How about this cool cowboy outfit? Nah, I dressed as one last year. Aha! This is the perfect costume!" He snickered, he knew it would give his bandmates the biggest fright of their lives.

Meanwhile with the younger two bandmates, Paul was practically grabbing every bit of makeup he could get his hands on. "I have to look convincing if I really have to go trick or treating, what do you think really brings out the undead in me? I was going to go for the blood red, but that's cliché. The deep purple is better suited for the next decade, blue is my favourite colour a it would really go well as an eyeshadow-"

"Have you tried that look you got when you suggested Jane be in your next film? And I thought I had a nasty blow back when Ringo first joined."

".... Oh very funny George. You going to go as Wereblubber again? You really want to promote that sequel don't ya?"

"Well considering this is a non WG oneshot you got your answer right there, and I won't be a vampire either. I've been one in the early 2010s fanfics so often I want to subvert expectations. I'll be going as a werewolf instead!"

Paul just rolled his eyes, however something made him scream. "Paul? You look like you've seen a ghost." George laughed, only to scream as well once he realize what exactly what his bandmate just saw. "Oh God it's hideous!!"

Ringo overheard and rushed over in a flash, only to throw his costume right at the being responsible. "THAT was the best costume you could come up with?!"

Of course John was laughing his head off at his bandmates' fear, as he was the one who scared them in the first place. He was in a plastic cartoon Ringo mask and the exact same outfit he wore in the show. "Why not? It's original, right?"

Once they realized it was their older bandmate, Paul and George stood back up and realized there were even costumes of themselves. "How much are people gonna milk us for? Wow that sounded so dirty."

They knew if there were Beatles fans, there's always gonna be merch. "Eh, why not? And have the guys voicing us dress as ourselves too! Okay that might be a stretch, we could ask them about making Yellow Submarine into a franchise."

"Hey! Less talk more candy taking!"

"And a happy Halloween to you too."

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