New Story Draft

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Remember all those pictures I drew of George with wings and being this light hero? Well I finally decided to make a story draft for him! Hope you all like what I got so far!

"You thought you could defeat me?! You pathetic piece of crap!"

"Aaaah.. I'll never let you destroy this beautiful world.. You laid waste to my home already, what more could you want?!"

"I offered you to join and rule with me, but you're so stubborn and such a goody goody who honestly thinks these.. Things deserve any sympathy!"

"Don't you-"

"Enough!! I'll blow you up and this world with it!"

Shooting up, George looked around only to find his room. "That was some weird dream.." He thought. "I had wings and was facing off against some guy in a black cloak. Beware of Darkness.. Hmm.. That could be a cool now song! I should suggest it to the others when I get to the studio."

Getting his clothes on, eating a huge breakfast and kissing Pattie's cheek, George was off to the studio and surprised to see that only John was there waiting for him. "The others are late again?" He asked.

"Paul probably made a pit stop to that new makeup shop in town, you know how much he loves his mascara. Anyways, got anything to share?" John asked.

"Oh yes! Got the idea from some dream I had last night."

"Oh? Tell me what it was about will ya?"

"It was really hard to describe, I was fighting this really creepy guy in all black who was trying to destroy earth but failed. Before he could land the final blow I woke up."

"Probably not as weird as my dream. I was surrounded by dragons, and I was one too! Well half dragon anyways. And Mom was there with this big blue dragon protecting me from a bunch of guys in weird khaki uniforms. Must have been some sort of army guys."

"Wow.. Maybe we can ask Paul and Ringo when they come in if they had any weird dreams as well, maybe this could be some sort of sign."

"Or we all got high and it's just some weird coincidence." John joked. "Anyways, you want some chocolate mice? I picked up a box on my way here."

"Why not? I only had ten pancakes, fifteen bowls of cereal, a dozen smoothies, twenty waffles and a whole kettle of tea." George smiled as he took a mouse shaped chocolate and popped it into his mouth.

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