Little Red Riding Ringo

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So I have decided to make more stories about the Beatles in different fairytales, so here's one about Ringo!

"Let's see now. Medicine, check. Cakes, check. Biscuits, check. What am I missing? Ah yes, I can bring her some wine. Mom will love it!"

Heading downstairs, Maureen saw Ringo packing some foods into a small basket. "Why are you wearing that red hood?" She asked.

"Mom made this for me on my twentieth birthday, I wanted to wear this when I go see her. I best be off now, she's waiting for me and her medicine. I'll be back in an hour."

"Alright. Just make sure you don't try to take any back roads while you're travelling, I heard that there are wolves out there in the nearby woods."

Heading out the door, Ringo smiled to himself as he started his car and drove off to Elsie's house. "Aw damn, the roads are all clogged up with traffic. I know Mo doesn't want me to take the back roads but since I'm in a hurry I'll need to drive there. Besides, she said there were only wolves out there, not werewolves."

Backing out of the highway, Ringo drove down a dirt road shortcut to Elsie's flat. "Huh? I thought I saw something on the side of the road."

Then all of a sudden a flash of brown fur went passed by Ringo's eyes and jumped right onto the windshield. "HI!!"

"EEEEEEK!!!!! Oh it's just a guy in a wolf suit."

"Yep. My name is George and I see you have a basket full of goodies in that basket of yours."

"Well at least you don't want to eat me. But these goodies are for my mother. She needs lots of food and the medicine I have. Now if you excuse me I must be off, I'm in quite a hurry."

"You mean Elsie Starkey? I've met her and she wanted me to tell you that she'll need some more of that cream."

"Cream? Oh yes, the stuff for her wrinkles. I'd better go and get some of that for her quickly! I'll be right back."

Once Ringo drove off, George grinned and made his way to Elsie's flat. "Oh he'll get the surprise of his life when he arrives. Now to get dressed."

Heading inside, George opened the closet door and checked on Elsie who was tied up inside. "Very good. Now keep quiet while I get all the goodies!"

Looking through the drawers full of clothes, George put on a frilly pink dress, a nightcap, a pair of granny glasses and a wig similar to Elsie's hair and quickly jumped into bed when he heard the door knock. "The door's unlocked sweetie!" he said in his best impression of Elsie.

"Oh hi Mom. I got you everything you wanted. Food, medicine and your cream." Ringo exclaimed as he entered. "Oh You sound rather.. Um.. Different today."

"Well.. My throat had gotten worse since we last talked." George made up.

"Ah. Well now that I've got a closer look at you, my what big ears you have."

"Well.. It's so I can hear you coming better."

"Aww that's sweet. Your eyes are brown?"

"I decided to try on some contact lenses and they got dirty.."

"Ah. Why do you have fangs?"

"Better to eat all the goodies with!!" George snarled as he lunged towards the basket.

"Eep! You're that guy from the road! What have you done with my mother?!"

"Why do you care? It's not like there's going to be a random guy jumping through the window and save you!"

And surprisingly George was right. A random person didn't jump through window. TWO people did!

"STOP RIGHT THERE GEORGE!!!" John and Paul shouted. "We're not letting you take any of Elsie's gifts!"

"Well I couldn't resist the smell of Ringo's cooking! It's so good! Can't I at least have some?" George whined.

"Well you didn't have to do all that to get my cooking. You could have just asked me to make you some things as well."

"My son is right George." Elsie (Who somehow got out of the closet and her binds) added. "We can share some of our sweets with you."

"Really? Oh thank you Mrs. Starkey!!" George cheered.

"Oh you're welcome George. Just make sure to promise that you'll never try a stunt like this again."

"Oh I promise I won't! Also I'd better get out of this outfit now. I don't think pink really suits me."

"And neither does a wolf suit. Well let's wrap this story up and say we all lived happily ever after."

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