Chapter 48

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Dreyton POV

After pulling off , I felt the need to apologize to Keyshia. I felt as if I disrespected her but I refuse to hold my tongue for a nigga who disrespects her. I pulled over and put a sleep Kalen on the back seat and pulled off. I grabbed Keyshia hand and kissed it.

" Babe I'm sorry! " I told her.

" Dreyton what if you had got shot and got yourself killed? " She said letting a tear slip her eye.

" He was too shooken up to pull a trigger. If he was bout that life he would've pulled the trigger when he first pulled out the gun on me no questions asked baby. I'm sorry but I'm not finna let NOBODY talk about you nor Kalen in no type of wrong way. You my fiancé and mother of my child. It's my responsibility to protect my family baby. I got these hands for any nigga step up to you , Kalen and my unborn the wrong way. You see I knocked that punk off his feet with just one hit. " I told her as she smiled.

" Yeah I saw! " She told me smiling. I pulled over to Burger King and she gasped with excitement.

" Yasssssss I'm hungry. " She said happily. I ordered what she always want and she started twerking in her seat. Kalen and I eat the same thing so I ordered two of those. I got the food and she demolished half of it before we could leave the red light. She started to choke and throw up. I pulled over and she let it all out.

" Damn baby! Here drink this! " I told her giving her the drink. She fanned me away and kept going. I lost my whole appetite. I threw my food out the window. I grabbed a towel out the back and she wiped her face and hands. I gave her half the bottle of hand sanitizer.

" Babe you gotta slow down tryna eat all that at one time! " I told her as she started to cry. I rubbed her back slowly in circles as she laid on the window. She opened the door and started throwing up again. I slowed down and stopped. She held her stomach while it all came up and out. I went to my trunk and grabbed a soda out and took it to her.

" Drink this bae! " I told her putting it to her mouth.

" No I'm good! " She said pushing it away.

" KEYSHIA NO! DRINK IT! " I told her as she started to drink it. I gave her somemore hand santitizer and another towel then pulled off. She grabbed the pillow out the back and laid down on me and pulled her feet upon the seat. I drove to the house. I carried her in the house and put her on the couch. I went and got Kalen out the truck and went in the bedroom getting our luggage together. I got everything and put it in the living room. I started to cook incase Keyshia get hungry. I sat in the living room playing the game and checking on the food. Soon as it finished , I turned it off and the doorbell rang and I opened the door seeing the girl from earlier. I let her in and helped her with her bags.

" Hi , I'm Shania. " She told me.

" Dreyton , Keyshia's Fiancé. " I told her.

" Ohh you the one she's told me about. Congratulations! She's a keeper. I don't have friends and Keyshia hugged me and told me she's my bestfriend when we was sitting in Mama K kitchen. " She told me.

" Yeah my baby is the friendly type. She's sick right now and on the couch. She's been letting her stomach get empty by pulling it all back up. Are you hungry? " I asked her.

" Smells so good in here that it making me. What you cooked? " She asked.

" Baked Gravy Porkchops , Yellow Rice and Kernal Corn. " I told her which made her smile.

" Yes! " She said following me in the kitchen. I fix her a plate and Kalen and sat him in the high chair. I fixed Keyshia a plate and took it to her.

" Babe sit up and eat! " I told her slicing the porkchops feeding her.

" Where the soda? " She asked.

" I got you some Sunny D. " I told her handing her the cup. She sipped it and I fed her the whole plate. Shania came in and cooed at us.

" Axwee that's so sweet. The food was good Dreyton. I never knew a guy could cook like that. " She said sitting down with Kalen.

" Full mommy! " He told Keyshia smiling. She kissed his forehead and he laid on her chest watching tv. I took the plate to the kitchen and washed it out.

" Mmmm what's that smell making me hungry? " Cameryn voice asked.

" Dreyton cooked! " Keyshia told her.

" Hell is it more because I want some! " Cameryn said laughing coming in the kitchen.

" Dreyton where mines? " She asked me as I fixed my plate.

" On the stove! " I told her walking back in the living room sitting beside Keyshia as she rambled with plates.

" Babe you gone fix me a plate? " Her babydaddy asked her.

" Some wrong with yo hands nigga? " She asked him.

" Yes! " He yelled picking up Kameron.

" What's wrong? " She yelled.

" I'm holding our son. He want some too bae! " He said smirking laying back on the couch!

" Bring him here and fix yo own! " She yelled which made him put his son back on the floor and walk in the kitchen. Keyshia and Shania was both laughing silently.

" Yeen gone fix yo man none to eat. Its a woman job to please her man. " He told her.

" I'm doing it now! It's a man job to pleasure his woman! " She told him.

" You know ion hesitate to pleasure you! Hell I can do it morning to night to your body. " He told her. It got quiet and Keyshia turn't up the tv real loud. I laid on her lap watching RHOA. Car lights pulled up and Shania got off the couch.

" Who's that? " Keyshia asked.

" My boyfriend bringing me something chile. I'll be right back. " She said leaving out. Keyshia looked at me and kissed my lips. The kiss got deeper and I sat up pulling her on my lap. I looked at Kalen and Kameron who was both occupied watching some cartoon on the floor. I picked up Keyshia going in the pitch dark room. I gave her a little of her pain master and she gripped my shirt tightly moaning.

" Fuck that felt so good. " I grunted as her walls clammed shut on my dick. She moaned louder as I stroked her slowly. Arguing was coming from the window and I sat up watching Shania and her boyfriend fuss.

" So it's over just like that Kelvin! You know I love you and you breaking my heart for a chick that maybe doesn't even have as much love that I have for you! " Shania cried infront of him. He looked away from her as she hugged him. She pulled her face to hers kissing his lips. All he did was stand there. I shook my head putting my attention back to Keyshia.

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