Chapter 10

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° Keyshia POV °

I was on the way out the house until Decks sexy ass told me take his son to Cameryn. He was sleep so I took him to her. Deckx is only 2 years older than us. I laid the baby down while Cam went through her closet.

" Bye. " We both said. I closed her door walking out texting as I got pulled in a room.

" Yo what the fuck? " I said angry.

" Relax Keyshia its me. " Decks voice whispered kissing against my neck.

" What are you doing? " I asked as my hands fumbled up his body.

" Remember we use to have a crush on one another when we was little? "

" Yeah then you got another childhood girl. " I said pushing him away. He grabbed my hand.

" Im sorry. "

" I know you is. Im finna go. " I said attempting to leave out. He grabbed me kissing my lips with a passion which made me blush as I left out.

" Bye bae. " He said walking back outside to his boys as I got in the car pulling off.


I got ready for the party and this chick was looking sexy as fuck. I called Quint to see if he was gonna pick me up before I drive my own wheels. His phone answered but he wasnt saying none but I did hear miniture moans.

" Awhh dont add another finger baby! " The bitch said. I hung up the phone and drove to Cameryn house. Decks was outside strapping in the kids.

" Come here. " He said making me smile but I kept walking. He pulled me towards him.

" Yes Jamaal? " I said laughing.

" You the only female can call me by my first name other than my mama. You not finna go to that party dressed like that. " He said wrapping his arms around me.

" And why not? " I said putting my hands on my hip.

" I dont wont no niggas grabbing on whats mines. "

" How you figure its yours? "

" Because you mines. " He said kissing me. I sucked on his tongue slowly wrapping my arms around him. I let a moan escape my mouth when he started kissing on my neck.

" Jamaal? " I said.

" You coming to stay with Cam tonight? "

" Yeah why? "

" Wanna sleep in my bed? "

" Now why would I wanna do that? You had sex in that bed. "

" No I had sex on that bed. Its finna get sent to Goodwill. I got a new bed. "

" Im scared. Its dark in your room. "

" Ima sneak in and we can cuddle until you fall asleep. "

" Alright. "

" Ima let Cam know. Aight love you. "

" Love you too. " I told him going in the house. I went to Cam room and she was smiling.

" Why you so smiley? " I asked.

" My brother got you cuffed already. " She said giggling. I looked down to stop blushing.

" Be quiet. Cameryn I think Quint cheated. I heard this girl moaning on his phone and say some bout fingers. I swear I dont wanna hurt a bitch but im not gonna worry. Ima dance with me some niggas tonight. BUT anyways girl Decks said I can sleep in his bed girl. " I said sad then getting back happy.

" Girl take my picture. " I said handing her the phone. She snapped it and I posted it to IG.

Oops_ImKeyshia : I catch niqqahx ATTENTION when I walk through.

After she finished we was on our way to the party. It was blowed. We walked in and like I thought Quint was here with a bitch all over him. I walked right pass him and felt arms wrap around my waist.

" You look so sexy bae. " King voice said in my ear. I pushed him off me and he picked me up taking me to a room.

" Get off me King. "

" Keyshia , baby chill. I miss and love you. "

" No you don't. Yo girlfriend brother shot me King. You talking about you love and miss me but I still see you in a relationship with that bitch. "

" Keyshia y-- .. "

" NO KING YOU BROKE MY HEART FOR A BITCH WHO WOULDN'T DIE FOR YOU. SHE BARELY WOULD RIDE FOR YOU MANN GONE. MAN BYE KING. " I said pushing him walking out and downstairs back to the party.

" You straight? " Cameryn asked.

" Yes girl. King gone say I miss and love you but when his girlfriend brother shot me , he ain't really show no type of emotion. He was still in a relationship with that bitch while I was fighting for my damn life. " I said fixing me some rotel dip.

" Girl don't get upset so upset and why that bitch all up on Quint? " She asked.

" I dont know but guess what I think we should do? "

" What? "

" Join the band. We should be dance girls. "

" Yes girl. I would love to be. I mean we both can dance. Tryouts for Captain and Co - Captain monday. "

" And if that dont work? "

" Cheerleaders. " She said making me laugh. Hours had passed. We danced with the same two boys all night which was fun to do.

" Im sleepy. Girl you ready to go home? " I asked her.

" Let me go use to bathroom and im on my way. " She said walking away.

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