Chapter 34

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Keyshia POV

My cousin do some dumb shit. He had a good girl but got caught in the wrong. I know her heart is broken from that shit. I drove home and lord Cameryn said I drive so wild. I walked in the house hearing the tv and found my King and Prince sleep. I took a photo of my two men sleep and uploaded on IG captioned:

21Lover_Keyshia : My Special Two Spent Today Toqether And Found Them Both On The Couch. @Ball21_Drey.

I went over and kissed both they foreheads and Drey woke up soon as I was finna walk out the door.

" Where you headed baby? " He asked.

" Ima go with Cameryn to get her luggage from my cousin house. We ordered pizza and chinese so if he wake just feed him that. " I told him. He rubbed his eyes and stood up.

" Where Kameron? " He asked.

" He was gonna go with us since yall was sleep. " I told him.

" Nawh he good. Tell Cameryn I'll watch him. " He said then pecked my lips. I went and told her and Kameron was excited to stay with Drey. He sat back on the floor and started playing the game.

" Did yall enjoy yall selves with each other? " He asked.

" Yeah if you wanna say that! " Cameryn said eating.

" Yeah! I got some more of those dresses. " I told him. He bit his lip at me.

" Where you wanna go later? " He asked.

" Wanna catch a movie or something? " I asked him.

" Yeah and ummm we can take the boys bowling or to Chuck E. Cheese or something if that's okay. " He said.

" Yeah because Cameryn has a date with RyQuan. " I cheesed at her. She put her head down blushing.

" I thought your babydaddy was name Dezmond. " He asked.

" Ohh that is that motherfucker name. RyQuan was a boy in high school that everybody thought was my babydaddy. " She said then put the fork in her mouth full of food.

" You gone choke. " He told her.

" Ohhhh yeah I forgot. RyQuan wanted Kameron to go but he'll understand. I might feel some type of way tonight and want something. " She said. I looked at her crazy and Dreyton chuckled at me. He grabbed my ass cheek and I grabbed my master.

" Ayeeee don't hype him up. " He said standing up. I kissed his lips and Cameryn and I left. She drove to Dezmond house and it was a lot of niggas standing outside like it ain't motherfucking cold. We walked in the house not caring. I waited in the hall for Cameryn to get her bags and felt arms around me.

" Wassup? " A deep voice said. I pushed them away turning around seeing some black ugly ass nigga.

" Damn lil mama you thick ass fuck. " He said grabbing me tightly.

" LET ME GO! GET THE FUCK ON SOMEWHERE MAN ! " I yelled at him angry. Cameryn came in the hallway grabbing my arm but he pulled a gun out on her. She stopped and looked at him.

" Keyshia , he's high. " She told me. I shook my head I know. He walked up towards me and rubbed his hand on my clit. I grew disgusted.

" STOP TOUCHING ME! " I told him but he smacked me with the back of his hands. I felt tears about to come. He smelled his hands and smiled. Cameryn helped me up and we backed up slowly. I started screaming Dezmond name and he shot me in my arm.

" Ima go get Dezmond , Keyshia. " Cameryn whispered.

" No don't leave me. " I told her but she took off. The guy chuckled and dragged my legs into the room. I screamed at the top of my lungs kicking him but he put the gun to my temple and slammed the door. The burning sensation on my arm made it even worser to scream. I cried as his hands fumbled my body.

" CAMERYNNNNN! " I yelled and cried trying to push him away with one arm. He punched me in my stomach and then my ribs and it made my body curve like a spider. I couldn't breathe forreal and notice I was having a asthma attack. My chest got tight and gunshots came through the door and I fell on the other side of the bed. My eyes got blurry and my eyes slowly started closing. Cameryn put the mask on my face which made me start back breathing a little. I laid there and went to sleep but I did see Dezmond grabbed me up angry off the floor and told Cameryn come on.

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