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Ambrosia turned her head sideways, looking up at Edward whose arm she slouched beneath on the small white loveseat, Carlisle pressed at her other side with Esme perched on the arm

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Ambrosia turned her head sideways, looking up at Edward whose arm she slouched beneath on the small white loveseat, Carlisle pressed at her other side with Esme perched on the arm. It didn't matter that they were all forced to sit close together- they were happy and content with one another. That wasn't the reason for their nervousness at this time- the standing of Freddie on the other hand was. The Romanians, the two who arguably scared Amrbsoai the most- Had known the Volturi the longest and they had come bearing interesting information. This conversation could very well end badly and now they were going to have to do the unthinkable- they were going to have to ask their friends, their witnesses to fight.

"When Aro wants someone from a coven" Eleazar began to explain, drawing attention to him and Ambrosia melted further into her husband as his hand gently drew patterns in her arm. From opposite them, Irina and Laurent smiled warmly. Ambrosia didn't know what the standoff would bring, the Volturi weren't coming to talk, they already had enough trusting information in the minds of the guards who had paid the visit. It could only end in a fight. "It isn't long until evidence turns up proving that that coven committed some sort of crime."

"So this has happened before?" Laurent queried with a frown.

"It happens so rarely so I never realised that it was a pattern" Eleazar seemed angry with himself as if any of this was possibly his fault.

"Apparently he always pardons one person whose thoughts he claims are repentant" Carlisle informed with a sigh, smiling down at Ambrosia as their eyes met. The time was fast approaching and any happiness from the past few weeks was officially disbanded.

"This person always has an ability and they're always given a place with the guard" Eleazar sighed and Edward rubbed his hand over his eyes, able to read each and every one of their minds- he already understood the situation entirely.

"This is all about Alice" his voice was stressed, imploring Ambrosia to lean in closer comfortingly, nudging him softly to gain eye contact so that she could smile her reassurance. "He has no one like her"

"Which is why she left" Bree decided and her eyes seemed to brighten slightly. Bree had a connection with Jasper, and when he left she couldn't help but feel betrayed and now she finally had a reason for why they had been abandoned- it was to keep Alice safe and they couldn't blame them for that.

"But why does he need witnesses?" Emmett frowned from his place beside Paul leaning on the wall- neither of the two would admit it but they had become friends. Embry smirked, seeming to know that fact but Ambrosia knew it was only a matter of time before that particular wolf left the room to return to his boyfriend. Max and Embry had been staying at the cottage for good reason- it wasn't safe for Max here.

"To spread the word that justice has been served" one particularly broody nomad, Alistair remarked He was one of the only allies that Ambrosia hadn't been able to make friends with and that was because he didn't want friends- he was perfectly content on his own and nobody could force him otherwise. He'd spent his entire stay in the attic. "After they've slaughtered an entire coven" that didn't help the situation at all because that was when the leader of the Egyptian coven- Amun, finally had enough, gesturing to the door and storming across, gaining all their attention.

"Benjamin, Tia. We're leaving" he declared and the young couple exchanged a glance, the female nodding her assurance to the male.

"And where will you go?" Freddie pressed, angered where he sat on an armchair, Roz half sat on his lap but she moved to enable him to stand. "What makes you think they'll be satisfied with Alice? What's to stop them from going after Benjamin next? Or Ambrosia, or Zafrina, Kate or anyone else with a gift- Anyone they want. The goal isn't punishment, it's power. It's an acquisition. Carlisle might not ask you to fight but I will" he swallowed and Edward smiled, standing beside him, hand on his shoulder to show his support- together from the beginning to the end just like Rosalind and Ambrosia. They all had a reason to fight. "For the sake of my family and for the sake of yours- For the way you want to live."

"We're with you" Laurent promised, standing alongside the Denali's. "We will always stand beside you Cullens, as a family" and they knew it to be true. Though they were not the last to join them. Paul, Seth and Embry exchanged a glance before standing forward themselves.

"The packs will fight" Paul unnecessarily announced. "We've never been afraid of vampires."

"This won't be a first time I've fought a kings rule" Garrett announced, smiling as he placed one hand on Kate's shoulder- the blonde looking up with an elated expression.

"We'll join you" Benjamin grinned, seeming entirely sold on the idea and Tia was glad to follow him anywhere- Amun, on the other hand, was less pleased.

"No" For the very first time- Benjamin stood up to his leader.

"I will do the right thing, Amun" he rejected with serious rose-red eyes. "You may do as you please."

"We will stand with you" The Amazons nodded and the Irish were next to move from their seats.

"So will we" And just like that, the spark of strength and determination swam, the nomads and covens joining together not only to bear witness to the miracle of Emmy Cullen- but also to fight for what was right, to bring their own justice.

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that" Edward nodded, exchanging a meaningful glance with Fred before his arm snaked back around Ambrosia comfortingly. Soon, the war would onslaught.

✔️Ambrosia 2| EDWARD CULLENWhere stories live. Discover now