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Ambrosia stared at the room in front of her for a long moment; the interior of their cottage differed so greatly from what was to be found within the Cullen mansion- and it was as if he had designed every little detail specifically for her

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Ambrosia stared at the room in front of her for a long moment; the interior of their cottage differed so greatly from what was to be found within the Cullen mansion- and it was as if he had designed every little detail specifically for her. Though, his own personality reflected through every decision he made. She knew from the instant she saw the cottage that they could quite happily stay their forever, if not for their family in the main house- it was everything she had ever dreamed of and more.

Softly, her hand slipped from his as she progressed forward into the stunning pale-toned bedroom, and her fingers trailed gently across the bedding, slightly awed by the startling textures that graced her fingers. She was completely and utterly overwhelmed but in the best possible way- Ambrosia Hatton was at a point in her life where she doubted it could ever get any better than that. She was living her own personal fairytale.

"Edward" she breathed, finally turning to him in the lamplight and the vampire smiled softly as she approached him, her hands instinctively reaching up to snake around his neck and pull his head down gently so that their foreheads could press softly together in silent glee. "Thank you, so so much...I love it. I love you" she gushed and he chuckled.

"I love you too, Ambrosia" and he said it with such certainty that nobody could ever doubt- Edward and Ambrosia were as much in love as two people had ever been and right there, in the house that he had provided for them both, everything seemed to slide right into place as if the world was accepting and rewarding them both simultaneously, Ambrosia thought for a moment that her elated happiness could perhaps restart her unbeating heart, she was fit to burst purely from her own emotions and he could see that, he could feel that. Because Edward was living that fairytale alongside her.

For a hundred years, he had waited and dreamed sleeplessly for perfection such as this and stood there in that cottage, he knew that he had finally found it- that somehow, for some reason, he had been rewarded the very best possible prize. He knew, with the feeling of her satin-smooth fleshed forehead pressed against his that nothing would ever make him as happy as she did- Edward Cullen could not live without her and he knew he physically never wanted to again... He wanted to be hers and have her as his for all of eternity.

Ambrosia's lips pressing to his just topped the cherry onto an already perfect moment, a spark shot through them just as it had since that very first moment and would until their eventual very last. They were two hearts aligned by some greater force, two people made and shaped perfectly to love one another.

Edward's lips moved so slowly against hers but with such an incredible passion that for a moment, all thoughts rushed straight from his mind and he entirely forgot where he was and for what purpose they were there at that moment. Edward knew that even after kissing Ambrosia for eternity- he would not be able to achieve his fill of her stunningly carved lips. She was everything. And that was why he hummed and broke away the kiss, laughing at her gentle pout.

"Come with me, Beautiful. Tonight isn't over yet" he breathed and she blinked.

"I don't think I can handle any more surprises" she giggled softly but otherwise allowed his hand to link with hers once more.

"I am hoping you will like this one even more" he breathed with a strange nervousness in his voice as he softly tugged her toward the front door once more. Ambrosia didn't know how she could ever feel happier than she did right then, she didn't know what more he could possibly do to improve the already-perfect moment. Though when he pulled her softly to stand beside him at the front door once more, she couldn't help but gasp because the scene in front of her was the same, yet oddly different. Slipping her shoes onto her feet once more, Ambrosia softly headed down the garden path, at an excruciatingly slow pace as she assessed the millions of candles and rose petals that had somehow been prepped in their short absence.

The second she turned the corner, she discovered the source of the new development, stretched out with grins on their faces and dressed nicely- were the Cullens. They sent her an array of grins winks and waves. Ambrosia felt like she was in a dream, the best dream in the entire world- she didn't know how it could possibly get any better, or she hadn't- until she turned back around to Edward in awe... That was when her mouth fell straight open in her shock, her entire body freezing as her eyes watered.

He looked so beautiful in the candlelight, his eyes a swirling golden fury of emotions and she blinked in shock as she watched him crouch to one knee, smiling nervously. Ambrosia Hatton had read enough books and watched enough movies to know what happened next- though it still ignited her heart to see him pull a little box from his pocket with a nervous expression. He looked more scared now than she had ever seen him and that made her melt on the spot.

"Ambrosia. I was miserable before I met you, purely and truly miserable and nobody could deny that. I was brooding and bored and then you bumped into me in that classroom- albeit, I put it in place so that you would do" they laughed gently together. "And the second I spoke to you, I knew how important you were... Ambrosia, you are everything and you have given me everything. And this feeling of happiness and... freedom that I feel when I'm with you- I never want that to go away. I never want you to go away. You are the most beautiful, smart, funny... Every possible positive adjective I can imagine- You are everything. You're a vision of perfection and I know that you are the only one for me. So that's why I'm asking you today... Will you marry me?"

✔️Ambrosia 2| EDWARD CULLENWhere stories live. Discover now