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At some point, the world had grown so incredibly perfect for Ambrosia Cullen and Rosalind Green, they had gone from living in an orphanage with little hope for the world to finding the loves of their lives and entering a world they didn't previous...

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At some point, the world had grown so incredibly perfect for Ambrosia Cullen and Rosalind Green, they had gone from living in an orphanage with little hope for the world to finding the loves of their lives and entering a world they didn't previously even believe to exist. Ambrosia turned a bright, dimpled smile to Edward as they stood in a clearing beside Fredrick and Rosalind, a large wolf beside them, huffing. They had somehow grown accustomed to the presence of Paul and as much as Fred disliked him- he'd grown to accept that he was a permanent member in their lives now.

It seemed that the only thing that wasn't on their side, for the very first time- was time. Emmy grew too fast, she'd aged from a baby into a full-grown child in a matter of months and everyone collectively worried about how long they would have to spend with her. At the rate she was growing, it was incomprehensible how short her life could possibly be.

But Emmy did truly make their lives enjoyable, Fredrick- who'd always had a grumpy expression on his face, was grinning as he watched his beautiful red-headed daughter dance around a clearing catching snowflakes, and Roz's hand locked in his was probably the best feeling in the world.

"Who would have thought, Rosia" Roz hummed suddenly and Ambrosia turned to her from the comfortable circle of Edward's arms. "That you would end up married and I'd end up with a daughter, that we'd both be vampires... All before we ever even turned twenty" she teased and Ambrosia giggled.

"I wouldn't have believed you if you told me that a few years ago"

"I'm so glad that it's all worked out the way it has" Fred informed meaningfully, looking between his girlfriend, his twin brother and his sister-in-law. And it was evident that he meant it- all the pain, sadness and grief had been worth it just even for that moment right there. "Now enough with being all corny" he grinned and Roz's eyes widened as he suddenly threw a snowball at Edward.

"Oh, no you didn't" Edward growled as Paul barked out a laugh. Somehow, they had managed to break out in a snowball fight, everyone against everyone and Ambrosia giggled as she gently pulled Emmy along to hide behind a tree, together, they scooped up snow into their hands and the two of them looked deeply into one another's eyes before jumping out and throwing the snow violently at Fredrick. The bronze haired man laughed, feigning being wounded, holding onto his chest dramatically as he dropped to his knees.

"We got him good, Emmy" Ambrosia giggled and the little girl high-fived her before squealing as Fredrick grabbed her easily. The father laughed rowdily as he boosted Esmeralda high into his arms holding her there in pride as she giggled.

"Should we get mommy?" he whispered to the sweet child whose vibrant green eyes widened in excitement at the thought, her head nodding in a quick bob as the covered her mouth with her hands, stifling her giggles. "Come on, let's get lots and lots of snow" he urged and she giggled again as he carried her across the clearing.

Ambrosia herself jumped in shock as a large ball of snow dropped on her and she gasped as she looked upwards to see Edward grinning, lounging lazily in a tree with his legs swinging teasingly. When he saw her narrowed eyes, he laughed and jumped down, provoking her to chase him. They didn't get very far across the clearing before Ambrosia launched herself at him, sending him backwards into the snow as he laughed loudly.

"That's what you get for attacking me, Edward Cullen" she teased, leaning forward where she sat atop him to look cheekily into his eyes and he scoffed.

"Perhaps I should do it more often" he hummed, raising an eyebrow as Ambrosia's eyes widened comically as she threw her head back to laugh. Reaching over, she pressed a strong kiss to his lips and he hummed as he pulled himself to sit, his wife sliding back into his lap.

"Oi oi, keep it PG kids." Freddie snapped his fingers and they both laughed as they stood.

"Look Look, Auntie Amby! Uncle Eddie, Look what I've found" Esmeralda cheered as she raced toward him at an insane speed- she wasn't quite as fast as vampires, but she was still faster than your average child- in fact, there was nothing average about Emmy Masen-Cullen.

"Wow" Ambrosia gushed sincerely as she took the girls pale hand, looking at the delicate snowflake that rested there. "It's beautiful" she smiled, and Edward nodded along, grinning at Emmy's excitement.

"I'm going to get more" she declared and rushed off again. A growl was the thing that stopped all their fun and games and they all frowned over at Paul before following his gaze over to a peak in the distance. Standing atop it with dark black cloaks swirling in the wind and impassive faces, were two people that Edward and Fredrick recognised easily- and were least impressed to see. Freddie pulled Emmy into his arms in vague horror as he watched them flash away and for the longest moment- the world felt frozen.

"W-what? What's happening?" Roz frowned as she watched them vanish. "Who were those people?"

"They were Alec and Jane Volturi" Edward breathed, panic in his eyes as he looked over Ambrosia, pulling her close. "...Freddie. They think Emmy's an immortal child. The Volturi... They're going to come for us. Aro sent them to check in on us, they'd heard we had some new members recently... But when they hear of this..."

"We need to get back to the house now."

✔️Ambrosia 2| EDWARD CULLENWhere stories live. Discover now